Department of Management

The new Management & Leadership Minor provides non-business students with core knowledge of the human side of organizations as well as a foundation of business management and leadership.

Department Launches Master’s Program in Healthcare Logistics and Supply Chain Management

UNO Named a National Science Foundation Innovation Corps Site. The new partnership will connect scientists and engineers with the resources they need to commercialize their innovative ideas.

We bring the boardroom to the classroom with the Capstone Cup. This is a mandatory semester-long competition for all graduating seniors, and a unique critical thinking opportunity unequaled by other area business colleges.

With the new Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain Management, students now have an additional opportunity to advance their career with a certificate option in a fast-growing field. Up to nine of the certificate credits can be applied to the full MBA program at UNO.
Department of Management
Courses within the management concentrations teaches undergraduate, graduate, and executive education skills in three broad areas of management and leadership, human resource management, and supply chain management. We build organizations and leaders by teaching you the aspects of management that help all organizations succeed—from start-ups to Fortune 500 firms. Our students excel at both the technical and the interpersonal sides of management.