Scholars Academy: Sammy Jo Young
Introducing the CBA Scholars Academy 2016 Cohort
- contact: Bethany Hughes - College of Business Administration
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- CBA Scholars Academy
- business
- honors program

The University of Nebraska at Omaha College of Business Administration Scholars Academy is a close-knit community of ambitious, high-achieving business students who want to challenge themselves while pursuing a degree.
Throughout the four years in the program, Scholars are mentored by business professionals in the Omaha community, enroll in special business courses taught by award-winning faculty, and gain real-world experience through community engagement and international travel.
Scholars are selected the spring of their senior year of high school after a rigorous and competitive application process.
Meet Sammy Jo Young, of Syracuse, Nebraska, a member of the 2016 Cohort.
Why did you choose UNO?
I chose UNO because the second I walked on campus, it felt like home. The facilities, classrooms, living areas and all the opportunities available made me fall in love with this school. The CBA Scholars Academy was a big part in my decision, as well. Having the chance to get ahead in my business career and learn with other fantastic students is beyond exciting.
Why did you choose business as a major?
My high school business teacher and FBLA adviser, Susan Wellman, was the number one influence on my decision. She opened my eyes to the world of business. With her help, I have broadened my skillset and know a career in business is for me. I would not be the student I am today without her help.
What business concentration are you planning to pursue? Why?
I am planning on pursuing accounting in the future. At the end of my sophomore year I had a few class openings in my schedule and had no idea what to take. My guidance counselor sent my schedule to my business teacher and made her convince me to take accounting. From the very first day of class, I knew accounting was what I was meant to pursue for a career.
What aspect of the Scholars Academy are you most looking forward to?
The aspect I am most looking forward to is meeting new friends and making life-long connections. The monthly mentor breakfasts are an aspect that excites me because I love meeting new people. I can't wait to spend time with my fellow students in the Academy learning and growing as future business leaders.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Staying fit and being active is really important to me, so I love playing and watching sports. I plan on attending numerous volleyball, basketball and soccer games at UNO. In addition, I plan on participating in intramural sports and spending lots of time outside.
What is one thing we would be surprised to know about you?
Many people are shocked to find out that I am an only child. Because I am a very active, social person many people assume I have plenty of brothers and sisters, but I do not. I had many pets growing up and made them play dolls and Legos with me.
To learn more about the CBA Scholars Academy, visit