Shop for a Cause: Overcoming Poverty
Shop fair trade microenterprise and learn about a new project that helps ethnic minority women in Vietnam overcome poverty.
- published: 2017/11/01
- search keywords:
- microenterprise
- business
- gifts

A series of events in November and December are aimed at educating the University of Nebraska at Omaha community and the public about a new microenterprise — Mon Qua Gifts — that helps ethnic minority women in Vietnam overcome poverty.
Beautiful 100 percent hemp products from Vietnam will be on sale at each event.
Mon Qua means “gift” in Vietnamese, and these new products are just that — a gift of economic opportunity for those who make them, a gift of meaning to those who support them and unique gifts for giving.
Poverty Alleviation Through Microenterprise in Vietnam
- Wednesday, Nov. 1 | 4:30–5:30 P.M. | Mammel Hall 120
- A presentation by Dr. Jonna Holland and Dr. Catherine Y. Co
Mon Qua and BeadforLife Marketplace: Shop for a Cause
- Wednesday, Nov. 8 | 10 A.M.–2 P.M. | Mammel Hall Atrium
- Shop free trade microenterprise — featuring beautiful, affordable jewelry made from recycled paper and 100 percent hemp products
Presentation: Poverty Alleviation Through Microenterprise in Vietnam
- Monday, Nov. 13 | 11:30 A.M.–1:30 P.M. | Milo Bail Student Center Chancellor's Room
- A luncheon kick-off for UNO’s International Education Week
Mon Qua: Shop for a Cause
- Thursday, Nov. 16 | 2–4 P.M. | Arts & Sciences Hall 241
- Part of UNO’s International Education Week cultural showcase — featuring music, dance, crafts and cuisine
Mon Qua and BeadforLife Marketplace: Shop for a Cause
- Wednesday, Dec. 6 | 4–8 P.M. | Midtown Crossing Clubroom
- An open house event for guilt-free holiday shopping that supports poverty alleviation around the globe
About the Project
Two UNO College of Business Administration professors, Jonna Holland and Catherine Y. Co, led a group of students to Vietnam this summer as part of a multiyear project to expand economic opportunities for ethnic minority women in Cao Bang province. Learn more about the project in UNO Business 2017 magazine.
To learn more about the handicraft project, visit