Scholars Academy: Emily Galloway
The College of Business Administration Scholars Academy will welcome 20 more students this fall. Meet a member of the 2018 cohort.
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The UNO College of Business Administration Scholars Academy is a close-knit community of ambitious, high-achieving business students who want to challenge themselves while pursuing a bachelor’s degree.
During this four-year program, Scholars are mentored by Omaha-area business professionals, take special business courses taught by award-winning faculty, and gain real-world experience through community engagement and international travel. They also receive generous scholarships.
Scholars are selected the spring of their senior year in high school after a rigorous and competitive application process.
Meet new member Emily Galloway of Olathe, Kansas
Why did you choose UNO?
UNO is just far enough away from home for me to get away, but also close enough to family that I won't feel like they are out of reach. My cousin Josh Lundell recently graduated from UNO CBA and enjoyed his experience there. I have heard that UNO has a great reputation, and I was very impressed with my campus and dorm room tours.
Why did you choose business as a major?
Business majors are versatile, which makes me feel comfortable about getting a job in the future. I will hopefully not have to worry about being in demand in the work force and can find stability fairly early in my life.
What business concentration are you planning to pursue? Why?
I am planning on pursuing accounting. Several members of my dad's side of the family went to school for accounting and a few of them are public accountants. I feel comfortable about the major and what is required to become an accountant. It seems like a good fit for my personality, as I tend to enjoy things that are more black and white versus more creative.
What aspect of the Scholars Academy are you most looking forward to?
I am looking forward to several aspects, but the study abroad opportunity seems most exciting to me at the moment. The ability to go overseas and see other parts of the world is something I have always wanted to do, and I am very much looking forward to my junior year and studying abroad with my cohort.
What do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time I usually enjoy reading and spending time with my friends at local coffee shops, especially the ones in downtown Kansas City. It's a lot of fun to discover new places to sit and chat while having a good cup of coffee!
What is one thing we would be surprised to know about you?
I was a ballerina for 10 years. I danced at a few different studios in Kansas City before choosing to step away and get a job. It taught me a lot of discipline and I gained a very strong work ethic, but I just wasn't cut out for being a ballerina past the age that I chose to quit.