Scholars Academy: Luke Jensen
The College of Business Administration Scholars Academy will welcome 20 more students this fall. Meet a member of the 2018 cohort
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The UNO College of Business Administration Scholars Academy is a close-knit community of ambitious, high-achieving business students who want to challenge themselves while pursuing a bachelor’s degree.
During this four-year program, Scholars are mentored by Omaha-area business professionals, take special business courses taught by award-winning faculty, and gain real-world experience through community engagement and international travel. They also receive generous scholarships.
Scholars are selected the spring of their senior year in high school after a rigorous and competitive application process.
Meet new member Luke Jensen of Omaha, Nebraska
Why did you choose UNO?
I chose UNO because of its excellent reputation as a strong business college. I visited several other public and private universities, but none could compare with UNO's academic credentials and, perhaps more importantly, UNO's connection to the corporate and philanthropic community in and around Omaha. In addition, UNO is a great value. It is very important to me and my family to not incur debt for my education. At many schools, this is nearly impossible. At UNO, it is very possible. A large percentage of UNO Students also work part-time and full-time jobs. This means that the average UNO student already knows the value of a dollar and this makes them more serious about their studies. Finally, UNO's beautiful campus is strategically located in the heart of Omaha. Academic reputation and value are what led me to UNO.
Why did you choose business as a major?
I chose business primarily for its versatility. For me, it seems business is just a language, a way of thinking and communicating, that can be used for anything. When I was entering high school, I wanted to be an engineer and took every engineering class available at Millard North. While I still enjoy the discipline required for engineering, I found that I could apply that same discipline to a business setting. With a business major, I believe I could still involve myself in the engineering field, or just about any other field, but have the added benefit of understanding the business components necessary to succeed in a given field. A knowledge of business sets you up to be able to enter any focus you want. Where it might be hard for someone in a specialized career to enter a different one, it may be easier to do so as a business person.
What business concentration are you planning to pursue? Why?
I'm looking forward to exploring the variety of different majors in the College of Business Administration. I'm currently most interested in Finance, Economics, and Real Estate. For the past couple summers, I have worked for a real estate development company owned by a UNO graduate and have become very interested in the field of real estate investment. My dad, also a UNO graduate, is a commercial real estate lender at First National Bank. I enjoy talking with him about the projects that he is financing. I've been doing more reading this year than I ever have about economics and investing and have started to love reading. I find that my three preferred concentrations build off each other and help me understand all of them even more.
What aspect of the Scholars Academy are you most looking forward to?
I've always enjoyed taking challenges and pushing myself in school and life. I most look forward to the advanced classes and tight cohort of people that will keep others accountable for doing well. All the opportunities given to us are fantastic. I also think traveling abroad will be a great time where we can both learn more about business and discover more about economics globally. I have always dreamed of traveling abroad and this was the perfect answer for me. Finally, being in the cohort allows me to show to possible employers that I am dedicated to learning and striving to make myself better every day, and they can see that the people in the group are all wonderful individuals and ready to put their best feet forward into their careers.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I really enjoy some good competition in a game of racquetball, tennis, or ultimate frisbee. I hear there's a UNO ultimate team so I'll have to check that out. I have a great time going wakeboarding, wake skating, and wake surfing (the big three!) and recently got my boating license. I also have a good time reading about business and investing. There's so much out there that I do not know about that is hidden in books. Another thing I like to do is play bass guitar. I play in the band for my church often.
What is one thing we would be surprised to know about you?
I'd say the most surprising thing about me would be that I can play the didgeridoo, a wind instrument native to the land down under. It's either that or the fact that I can't swallow a pill. It's hard to decide. I entered a talent show and played the didgeridoo. People weren't sure if it was supposed be funny or serious. Well, it was meant to be both. I also like 70's music.