Congratulations to all of the Exceptional Undergraduates Awards Winners
The UNO College of Business Administration is a community of achievers. Here are the undergraduate students honored in Spring 2021.
- published: 2021/04/13
- search keywords:
- Awards
- Undergraduate Students

Congratulations to the winners:
Outstanding Academic Achievement and Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key
Justin Krug
Aidan Posey
Brad Stuthman
CBA Student-Athlete Leadership Athlete Award
Mikaela Ekdahl
Edward Gordon
Charlie Hoff CBA Outstanding Student of the Year
Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key Award: Since 1912, at each school where Delta Sigma Pi maintains a chapter, the Fraternity has awarded a Scholarship Key to the graduating student with the highest cumulative academic average in business administration or economics, regardless of affiliation with Delta Sigma Pi. The Scholarship Key is funded by Delta Sigma Pi’s Leadership Foundation and, in cases where two or more students tie for best academic average, the Foundation provides additional Scholarship Keys.
Justin Krug - Outstanding Academic Achievement and Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key
Aidan Posey - Outstanding Academic Achievement and Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key
Brad Stuthman - Outstanding Academic Achievement and Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key
Mikaela Ekdahl - CBA Student-Athlete Leadership Athlete Award
Edward Gordon - CBA Student-Athlete Leadership Athlete Award
Katie Moragues - Charlie Hoff CBA Outstanding Student of the Year
CHARLIE HOFF AWARD: A 1926 graduate of NU, Charlie Hoff served six
years as the university’s general auditor and two years as a cashier at the NU
College of Medicine. He became the finance secretary and business manager
of Omaha University in 1939 and was later promoted to vice president. He
was active in civic affairs, and UNO was his pride and joy.