Distinguished Alumni Achievement Awards
The UNO College of Business Administration will honor four esteemed alumni on May 11, 2023.

Mammel Hall – The UNO College of Business Administration will honor four esteemed alumni on May 11, 2023, during the annual Distinguished Alumni Achievement Awards luncheon.
The following honorees join an exclusive list that now totals more than 100 distinguished UNO business alumni from a network of more than 20,000.
Chandrakanth Are, Executive MBA 2013
Jerald L and Carolynn J Varner Professor of Surgical Oncology and Global Health, Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education for the College of Medicine and Vice-Chair for Education in the Department of Surgery, Surgical Director for the Davis Global Center, the simulation center at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.
Michael Bojanski, BSBA 1977
Vice President and Chief Human Resource Officer at Finley Engineering Company, Inc., Retired
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Col Lloyd Buzzell, Executive MBA 2015
US Strategic Command--United States Air Force
Pam Mortenson, BSBA 1984
Vice President & Strategic Planning Officer, at WoodmenLife
To learn more about College of Business Administration alumni, visit cba.unomaha.edu/alumni.