AB Gorham
- Assistant Professor
- Book Arts and Papermaking
Additional Information
AB Gorham is a book artist and writer from Montana and holds M.F.A.s in Book Arts and Poetry from The University of Alabama.
She is Assistant Professor of Book Arts and Papermaking at UNO.
Creative Work
Recently, Gorham edited a collaborative reading experience of Frank Stanford’s The Battlefield Where the Moon Says I Love You, published by Third Man Books.
Her poems have been published in Puerto Del Sol, The Call Center, American Letters and Commentary, DIAGRAM, and Gulf Coast, among others.
Her artist books are collected nationally and Unidentified Found Object Song was a semi-finalist for the 2022 MCBA Book Prize.
Research and Creative Activity Interests
My approach to book arts is founded in experimentation advised by solid technique and craft. I often work with text in my books and prints, pushing the boundaries between illegibility and meaning, utilizing text in visual ways, and allowing my work to focus on sound over sense.
Of course, the poetic line is central to my work—as a vehicle for semiotic meaning, as a visual mark on paper, and as an utterance. Often pairing text with abstract images or digitally manipulated photographs, my books strive to estrange the reader from the reading/viewing experience and create experiences that contain both moments of understanding and puzzlement.
Even when exploring subjects of ecology, contemporary myths, or domesticity, my books or prints do not simply encompass those facts and knowledge but capture a distillation of the process of obtaining that knowledge or the details of an experience, including the ebb and flow of lucidity and the crystallization of understanding.
These book/print/paper experiences are contained in sculptural book works with great attention to materials.
Learn more at abgorham.com
Additional Information
AB Gorham is a book artist and writer from Montana and holds M.F.A.s in Book Arts and Poetry from The University of Alabama.
She is Assistant Professor of Book Arts and Papermaking at UNO.
Creative Work
Recently, Gorham edited a collaborative reading experience of Frank Stanford’s The Battlefield Where the Moon Says I Love You, published by Third Man Books.
Her poems have been published in Puerto Del Sol, The Call Center, American Letters and Commentary, DIAGRAM, and Gulf Coast, among others.
Her artist books are collected nationally and Unidentified Found Object Song was a semi-finalist for the 2022 MCBA Book Prize.
Research and Creative Activity Interests
My approach to book arts is founded in experimentation advised by solid technique and craft. I often work with text in my books and prints, pushing the boundaries between illegibility and meaning, utilizing text in visual ways, and allowing my work to focus on sound over sense.
Of course, the poetic line is central to my work—as a vehicle for semiotic meaning, as a visual mark on paper, and as an utterance. Often pairing text with abstract images or digitally manipulated photographs, my books strive to estrange the reader from the reading/viewing experience and create experiences that contain both moments of understanding and puzzlement.
Even when exploring subjects of ecology, contemporary myths, or domesticity, my books or prints do not simply encompass those facts and knowledge but capture a distillation of the process of obtaining that knowledge or the details of an experience, including the ebb and flow of lucidity and the crystallization of understanding.
These book/print/paper experiences are contained in sculptural book works with great attention to materials.
Learn more at abgorham.com