Chelsea Herman
- Instructor of Book Arts & Papermaking
- Art & Art History
Additional Information
Chelsea Herman is a visual artist and educator specializing in drawing and printmaking, letterpress, and the art of the book. She holds an MFA from San Diego State University and a BA in Anthropology from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Herman’s artists’ books, prints, and other works on paper have been included in numerous exhibitions including at the Oceanside Museum of Art, The International Printmaking Biennial of Douro in Portugal, CODEX Book Fair and Symposium, and as part of the International Collection of Contemporary Creative Books, Atelier Vis-a-Vis in Marseille, France. Herman teaches courses in book arts and directs the University of Nebraska Omaha’s Fine Arts Press. She is also the proprietor of FlightPath press, a private press specializing in limited edition fine press artists’ books.
As a visual artist with a background in drawing, painting, printmaking, and anthropology, the art of the book fulfills a need to explore connections between far-flung yet interdependent social, intellectual, and artistic concerns. As an educator, letterpress printing and the multi-layered, interdisciplinary medium of the fine press artists’ book represents a valuable tool for critical thinking and creative growth. The hand-produced book provides opportunities for exploring sensory experiences as an aspect of the human condition and constitutes a meeting point for various modes of thought, language, and creative expression. Printmaking, letterpress, papermaking, and bookbinding as well as drawing and painting, design, writing, typography, and photography are among the disciplines that are at once formed and embraced by the tactile, time-based structure of the book.
Scheduled Courses
Art-3200 Hand Produced Book I
Art-3230 Introduction to Bookbinding
Art-3530 Papermaking