Lilly Lu
- Professor
- Art Education & Media Arts (Game Design)
Additional Information
Lilly Lu received a Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction specializing in Art Education and an M.A. in Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University, Bloomington.
She focuses her research on:
- Virtual environments (virtual worlds, mixed reality, and virtual reality)
- Gaming (video games, game design, play/game pedagogy)
- Gaming and digital visual cultures
- Integrating new media/technology in art education and education
She has been awarded many grants, including three competitive research grants in 2007, 2016, and 2019, from the National Art Education Association/Foundation.
Lu received a teaching grant ($20,000) from the 2015 Kelly Endowed Fund and two UNCAT grants in 2022. She also led a UNO student team to develop and host video game design summer camps for KANEKO in 2017 and 2018.
Her work has been published in premier journals in Art Education and Technology in Teacher Education.
Featured Projects & Research Interests
VR Media Arts Gallery (2019S-current)
VR Application for Arts and Art Education (2020SP-Current)
HIVE (Highly Interactive Virtual Environment (2016-2023F)
Simulation for UNMC Surgeon Students (2019S-2023F)
UNO Quest 2021 (2020SU-2022S)
Digital Game Prototype for Sexual Harassment (2019F)
Game Design Camps for KANEKO (2017SU & 2018SU)
Animation for Service Learning Academy (2018F-2019S)
Digital/new media arts and digital visual culture
Mixed/augmented reality and virtual reality
Gaming (video games, game design, and play/game pedagogy) and gaming culture
Interactive virtual art and virtual world pedagogy
Online learning, community of practice, and e-learning
Integration of digital technology/media into art education and teacher education
Mobile technology and applications
D., major in Curriculum & Instruction, specializing in Art Education; minor in Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, Bloomington
A., Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, Bloomington
A., Educational Media and Library Science, specializing in Instructional and Informational Design, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Grants Awarded
Game Design Camps for KANEKO ($11,685+) (2017- present)
UCAT Course Development Grant ($750) & Instructional Materials ($500) (2022)
2019 National Art Education Foundation (NAEF) Research Grant for the project “Teaching and Learning Art and Design in the Virtual Age: Affordances and Applications of Augmented and Virtual Realities for Art & Design Education” ($10,500) (2019-2022)
2015-2016 Kelly Endowed Fund award for the project “Creating Blended Learning Environments for the Media Arts program” ($25,000) (2015-2017)
2016 National Art Education Foundation (NAEF) Research Grant entitled “Empowering the Digital Generation through Creating Highly Interactive Virtual Environments (HIVEs),” ($8,250) (2015-2016)
2007 Research Grant awarded by the National Art Education Foundation (NAEF), an affiliate of the National Art Education Association (NAEA)
For additional grants awarded for research and artistry, as well as venture grants (a total of $51,309) between 2006 and 2013, please see Curriculum Vitae.
Scheduled Teaching & Office Hours
Art 3370 Technology in Arts Education
Art 4350/7350 Trends in Art Education
Art 4010 Special Topic in Studio Art: Arts, Media, and Gaming in VR
Art 4000/8006 Special Studies in Art Education: 3D Virtual Worlds and Videogames
Art 1220 Digital Media Foundations
Art 3140 Computer-Generated Imagery I
Art 3170 Digital Game Design
Art 4180 Advanced Digital Game Design
Art 4190 Game Design Studio
Office Hours
Tuesday and Thursday 1-2 P.M., or by appointment
Rocks Tell Stories (Photography), School of Art Faculty Biennial Exhibition, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL (2013-2014)
Additional Information
Lilly Lu received a Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction specializing in Art Education and an M.A. in Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University, Bloomington.
She focuses her research on:
- Virtual environments (virtual worlds, mixed reality, and virtual reality)
- Gaming (video games, game design, play/game pedagogy)
- Gaming and digital visual cultures
- Integrating new media/technology in art education and education
She has been awarded many grants, including three competitive research grants in 2007, 2016, and 2019, from the National Art Education Association/Foundation.
Lu received a teaching grant ($20,000) from the 2015 Kelly Endowed Fund and two UNCAT grants in 2022. She also led a UNO student team to develop and host video game design summer camps for KANEKO in 2017 and 2018.
Her work has been published in premier journals in Art Education and Technology in Teacher Education.
Featured Projects & Research Interests
VR Media Arts Gallery (2019S-current)
VR Application for Arts and Art Education (2020SP-Current)
HIVE (Highly Interactive Virtual Environment (2016-2023F)
Simulation for UNMC Surgeon Students (2019S-2023F)
UNO Quest 2021 (2020SU-2022S)
Digital Game Prototype for Sexual Harassment (2019F)
Game Design Camps for KANEKO (2017SU & 2018SU)
Animation for Service Learning Academy (2018F-2019S)
Digital/new media arts and digital visual culture
Mixed/augmented reality and virtual reality
Gaming (video games, game design, and play/game pedagogy) and gaming culture
Interactive virtual art and virtual world pedagogy
Online learning, community of practice, and e-learning
Integration of digital technology/media into art education and teacher education
Mobile technology and applications
D., major in Curriculum & Instruction, specializing in Art Education; minor in Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, Bloomington
A., Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, Bloomington
A., Educational Media and Library Science, specializing in Instructional and Informational Design, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Grants Awarded
Game Design Camps for KANEKO ($11,685+) (2017- present)
UCAT Course Development Grant ($750) & Instructional Materials ($500) (2022)
2019 National Art Education Foundation (NAEF) Research Grant for the project “Teaching and Learning Art and Design in the Virtual Age: Affordances and Applications of Augmented and Virtual Realities for Art & Design Education” ($10,500) (2019-2022)
2015-2016 Kelly Endowed Fund award for the project “Creating Blended Learning Environments for the Media Arts program” ($25,000) (2015-2017)
2016 National Art Education Foundation (NAEF) Research Grant entitled “Empowering the Digital Generation through Creating Highly Interactive Virtual Environments (HIVEs),” ($8,250) (2015-2016)
2007 Research Grant awarded by the National Art Education Foundation (NAEF), an affiliate of the National Art Education Association (NAEA)
For additional grants awarded for research and artistry, as well as venture grants (a total of $51,309) between 2006 and 2013, please see Curriculum Vitae.
Scheduled Teaching & Office Hours
Art 3370 Technology in Arts Education
Art 4350/7350 Trends in Art Education
Art 4010 Special Topic in Studio Art: Arts, Media, and Gaming in VR
Art 4000/8006 Special Studies in Art Education: 3D Virtual Worlds and Videogames
Art 1220 Digital Media Foundations
Art 3140 Computer-Generated Imagery I
Art 3170 Digital Game Design
Art 4180 Advanced Digital Game Design
Art 4190 Game Design Studio
Office Hours
Tuesday and Thursday 1-2 P.M., or by appointment
Rocks Tell Stories (Photography), School of Art Faculty Biennial Exhibition, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL (2013-2014)