Russell Nordman
- Professor
- 211 WFAB
- Media Arts
- Studio Art
Additional Information
Office Hours
Tuesday 9 - 11 A.M. and by appointment
Russ Nordman was born in Charles City, Iowa in 1960. He received his M.F.A. from the University of Iowa in 1991.
After graduate school, Russ was an artist-in-residence at the Sanitary Fill Company in San Francisco. From 1994 to 1996, Russ Nordman became a Studio Manager for Bill Viola.
Later, Russ returned to his native state of Iowa to study Film and Video Production at the University of Iowa. While in Iowa, Russ partnered with Hans Breder to form a digital-based performance group called “Liminoid Laboratory.” This group performed in a number of places including Experimental Intermedia in New York and at St. Petri Kirche, Dortmund, Germany.
Since 2002, he has been an associate professor of Intermedia and Digital Art at the University of Nebraska Omaha.
In his work, he transforms observations of the ordinary and everyday into contemplative and imaginary commentary on the human experience. His work has been exhibited across the globe, including the California Museum of Photography, the Des Moines Art Center, and the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts.
Artist's Statement
I have always been influenced by the desire for symmetry and the quintessential artistic act of the formal merging with the conceptual, the unified whole, the gestalt. The Combines work examines machines, architecture, and technological devices and their complex metaphysical relationship with humans.These objects need us to complete their function. Without us, they sit idle. We are the consciousness of the machine. With this body of work, the machines are documented, taken apart, and then reconfigured. With this reconfiguration, the human component is taken out but our vestiges still remain. It is as Carl Jung saw the Mandala. It is “a representation of the unconscious self."
Research and Creative Activity Interests
- Video installation
- Digital prints
- Game design
- Illustrated fiction
- B.A., Art, Wartburg College
- M.A., Intermedia and Video Art, University of Iowa
- M.F.A., Intermedia and Video Art, University of Iowa
- M.A., Communications Studies, University of Iowa
Scheduled Teaching
- Foundations Theory & Practice II: Intermedia
- Advanced Intermedia and Digital Art I
- Video Art
- Advanced Intermedia and Digital Art II
- A+B Independent Study I & II
- BFA Independent Study I, II & III
- Independent Study in Studio Art
Inventing Perspective: 2013 Photography Exhibition, LH Horton Jr. Gallery, San Joaquin Delta College, Stockton, CA, Juror: Corey Keller, Curator or Photography, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
Fall National Juried Photography Exhibition, MARIN Museum of Contemporary Art, Marin, CA,
Juror: Jessica Brier, Curatorial Assistant of Photography at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
Fertile Imagination: Art and Agriculture, Schweinfurth Memorial Art Gallery, Auburn, NY, Juried Exhibition.
Up, Up and Away!, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol, CA, Juried Exhibition.
Perceptual Excavations, TEJAS Gallery, Dayton, OH, Juried Exhibition.
26th Annual Northern National Art Competition, Nicolet Art Gallery, Nicolet College, Rhinelander, WI, Juried Exhibition.
Machine/Man/Air/Land, RNG Gallery, Council Bluffs, IA, Two Person Exhibition, Nominated for best two-person exhibition, 2013 Omaha Entertainment Awards
Combines, Preus Library, Luther College, Decorah, IA, Solo Exhibition.
Combines, Farnham Galleries, Simpson College, Indianola, IA, Solo Exhibition.
Systems: National Juried Exhibition, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Allen Priebe Art Gallery, Oshkosh, WI, Juried Exhibition.
Studio Art Faculty Exhibition/2011, University of Nebraska-Omaha Art Gallery, Omaha, NE, Group Show.
Art at the Dump: Twenty Years of the Artist in Residence Program at Recology, Intersection 5M, San Francisco, CA, Group Exhibition.
Academia Invitational, Museum of Nebraska Art, Kearney, NE, Group Exhibition.
61st Juried Exhibition, Eleven State Regional Exhibition, Sioux City Art Center, Sioux City, IA, Curator: Christoph Heinrich, The Polly and Mark Addison Curator of Modern & Contemporary Art at the Denver Art Museum, Juried Exhibition.
Cinema City, Urban Culture Projects, Charlotte Street Foundation Kansas City, MO, Collaboration with Jody Boyer, Solo Exhibition.
Paramnesia, Video Installation, Myers Gallery, Living Arts, Tulsa, OK, Collaboration with Jody Boyer, Solo Exhibition.
Combines, Digital Prints, Council Bluffs Public Library, Council Bluffs, IA, Solo Exhibition.
Paramnesia, Video Installation, Olive DeLuce Gallery, Northwest Missouri State, Maryville, MO, Collaboration with Jody Boyer, Solo Exhibition.
Science Fictions, Video Installation, Farnham Galleries, Simpson College, Indianola, IA, Solo Exhibition.
Resolutions 06, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, Buffalo, NY, Juried Exhibition.
Signal Channel, Bemis Center of Contemporary Art, Omaha, NE, Group Exhibition.
Perform Install, South Bend Regional Museum of Art, South Bend, IN, Three Person Exhibition.
Artist and Mentor Show, College of Saint Mary, Omaha, NE, Group Exhibition.
Objects of Desire, Fundraiser exhibition at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha, NE..
Memoria: Work by Russ Nordman and Jody Boyer, McHenry County College Art Gallery, Crystal Lake, IL, Two Person Exhibition.
The Book of Light and Dark, Nordstrand Visual Arts Gallery, Wayne State College, Wayne, NE.
Paramnesia, Bemis Underground, Bemis Center for Contemporary Art, Collaboration with Jody Boyer, Omaha, NE, Solo Exhibition.
Jetty, Video art work, Bemis Underground, Bemis Art Center for Contemporary Art, Omaha, NE, Film Screening.
Panopoly¸ Site-specific video installation, Turner Building, Corning, IA, Solo Exhibition.
Corning Art Start, Corning Center for the Arts, Corning, IA, Group Exhibition.
59thJuried Exhibition, Best in Show, Sioux City Art Center, Sioux City, IA, Juried Exhibition.
Studio Art Faculty Exhibition/2004, University of Nebraska-Omaha Art Gallery, Omaha, NE, Group Exhibition.
Digital Time Pieces, UCR/California Museum of Photography Riverside, CA, Juried Exhibition.
en route, University of Nebraska-Omaha Art Gallery, Omaha, NE, Solo Exhibition.
Out of the Frame: Installation Works, Mid-America Print Council Printmaking Conference, Lincoln, NE, Group Exhibition.
Ten Days, video screened at Thaw 2001, Iowa City, IA, Film Festival.
A Writer, A Character, A Driver, Film and Video Competition, Des Moines Art Center, Des Moines, IA, Film Festival.
Mass in A-Minor For Suitcases, Performance with Liminiod Laboratory, Des Moines Art Center, Des Moines, IA.
Messe in A-moll für Koffer, Performance with Liminiod Laboratory, St. Petri Kirche Cathedral, Dortmund, Germany.
Penumbra, Performance with Liminiod Laboratory, Intermedia Manifest(ation), Experimental Intermedia, New York, NY.
Blonde Shadow, Performance with Liminiod Laboratory, Global Focus: Human Rights 98, Space Place, Iowa City, IA.
Point of Reference, Performance with Liminiod Laboratory, International Association of Philosophy and Literature Annual Conference, The Barn, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA.
Exchanges, video screened at Thaw 1998, Iowa City, IA, International Film Festival
In collaboration with artist Jody Boyer
Game Play, Osborne Family Gallery, Criss Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE
An art exhibition born from and inspired by video games, sports, board games, and other toy games.
Interact: Lynn Lukkas and Cynthia Pachikara, UNO Art Gallery. University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE
Two interactive video installations. Lynn Lukkas is a media artist and associate professor of Experimental and Media Arts in the Department of Art at the University of Minnesota. Cynthia Pachikara is currently an Associate Professor of Art & Design at the University of Michigan where she also holds a joint appointment in the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning.
The Visual, Fantastik Short Film and Audacious Video Art, Ross Media Art Center, Lincoln, NE and UNO Art Gallery, Omaha, NE, An exhibition of short works curated by Echotrope (Russ Nordman and Jody Boyer) and the Visual.
Single Channel, South Bend Regional Museum of Art. South Bend, IN, An exhibition of short works curated by Russ Nordman and Jody Boyer.
Echotrope Video Art Series, UNO Gallery of Art, Omaha, NE, A video series of short works curated by Echotrope (Russ Nordman and Jody Boyer).
Echotrope Screening, Bemis Underground, Bemis Art Center for Contemporary Arts Omaha, NE, Video works curated by Echotrope (Russ Nordman and Jody Boyer).
Echotrope Video Art Series, UNO Gallery of Art, Omaha, NE, A video series of short works curated by Echotrope (Russ Nordman and Jody Boyer).
Krainak, Michael. “Opposites Attract” The Reader, September 19, 2013
Nordman, Russ. “Creating a Course of Life Is My Livelihood” http://nebraskaculture.wordpress.com/2013/08/05/creating-a-course-of-life-is-my-livelihood/ Part of the “What’s Your Livelihood. Embrace the Arts and Humanities in Nebraska” blog sponsored by the Nebraska Cultural Endowment.
Artist’s Lecture on the Paramnesia exhibition recorded for cablecast, Living Arts Television Show Channel 70, Tulsa. OK.
OklaTravelNews an internet show about events in Oklahoma. Detailed interview about the Paramnesia at Living Arts, Tulsa, OK. OklaTravelNet.com
Stickney, Dane. “Diverse Medium Puts Art in Motion”, Omaha-World Herald, July 23, 2006
Carpenter Kim. “Bemis Features International Survey of Video Art”. Review, Kansas City based Magazine, June 2006
Carpenter Kim. “Echotrope, Bringing Experimental Art to the Midwest”, Omaha Magazine, July/August 2006
Keyes, Whitney. “Students Introduced to New Genre of Art” Northwest Missourian, October 9, 2006
Krainak, Michael. “I-80 Cultural Exchange” Omaha City Weekly, May 3, 2006
Krainak, Michael. “Echotrope III: Experimental film series at UNO features media artist and theorist Michael Betancourt” Omaha City Weekly, February 22, 2006
Rivers, Karen. “Mixing Media” South Bend Tribune, July 23, 2006
“Performance and Installations on View in Indiana”, ArtDaily.comI, August 8, 2006
“Mixed Media Art on Display at Wartburg” Waverly Insider, March 22, 2006
“New Exhibit on Display at Wartburg” Waverly Democrat, March 16, 2006
Krainak, Michael. “Echotrope Artists Do-it-Themselves”. Review, #69, Vol. 7, No. 10 October 2005
Review, #65 Vol 7, No.7 June 2005, An image of from the ‘Paramnesia’ Installation appeared in the exhibition listings.“Nebraska Artist with Joseph Piper: Russ Nordman” MetroVision TV, Television Program originally aired in the fall.
Krainak, Michael. “Outside the Box: Video Art Show at the Bemis Pushes Boundaries”, Omaha City Weekly, May 25, 2005
Krainak, Michael., “Outside Do-It-Yourself: Echotrope Creates Level Playing Field for Time-based Art”, Omaha City Weekly, October 12, 2005
Fischbach, Bob, ‘Free Film Series at UNO’ by, Omaha World-Herald, Oct. 13, 2005
Baker, Sarah. ‘Intercepting Space’ by, The Reader May 12, 2005
Krainak, Michael. ”Paramnesia’ Installation at the Bemis Underground explores ‘Reverie and Reality”, The Omaha City Weekly, May 25, 2005
Interviewed on the following radio and television shows for the Paramensia exhibition: KETV Channel 7 Morning Show, KVNO Radio.
Miller, Rita. “Homecoming events include art gallery exhibit opening”, The Adams County Free Press, Sept. 29, 2005
Ahlin, Elizabeth. “Facility Ready for Artists to take up residents”, Omaha World-Herald, Sept. 30, 2005
Radio Guest on “First Friday Faculty Focus” on KVNO. Discussed my art work and talked about UNO’s Digital Cinema program with Metropolitan Community College.
Additional Information
Office Hours
Tuesday 9 - 11 A.M. and by appointment
Russ Nordman was born in Charles City, Iowa in 1960. He received his M.F.A. from the University of Iowa in 1991.
After graduate school, Russ was an artist-in-residence at the Sanitary Fill Company in San Francisco. From 1994 to 1996, Russ Nordman became a Studio Manager for Bill Viola.
Later, Russ returned to his native state of Iowa to study Film and Video Production at the University of Iowa. While in Iowa, Russ partnered with Hans Breder to form a digital-based performance group called “Liminoid Laboratory.” This group performed in a number of places including Experimental Intermedia in New York and at St. Petri Kirche, Dortmund, Germany.
Since 2002, he has been an associate professor of Intermedia and Digital Art at the University of Nebraska Omaha.
In his work, he transforms observations of the ordinary and everyday into contemplative and imaginary commentary on the human experience. His work has been exhibited across the globe, including the California Museum of Photography, the Des Moines Art Center, and the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts.
Artist's Statement
I have always been influenced by the desire for symmetry and the quintessential artistic act of the formal merging with the conceptual, the unified whole, the gestalt. The Combines work examines machines, architecture, and technological devices and their complex metaphysical relationship with humans.These objects need us to complete their function. Without us, they sit idle. We are the consciousness of the machine. With this body of work, the machines are documented, taken apart, and then reconfigured. With this reconfiguration, the human component is taken out but our vestiges still remain. It is as Carl Jung saw the Mandala. It is “a representation of the unconscious self."
Research and Creative Activity Interests
- Video installation
- Digital prints
- Game design
- Illustrated fiction
- B.A., Art, Wartburg College
- M.A., Intermedia and Video Art, University of Iowa
- M.F.A., Intermedia and Video Art, University of Iowa
- M.A., Communications Studies, University of Iowa
Scheduled Teaching
- Foundations Theory & Practice II: Intermedia
- Advanced Intermedia and Digital Art I
- Video Art
- Advanced Intermedia and Digital Art II
- A+B Independent Study I & II
- BFA Independent Study I, II & III
- Independent Study in Studio Art
Inventing Perspective: 2013 Photography Exhibition, LH Horton Jr. Gallery, San Joaquin Delta College, Stockton, CA, Juror: Corey Keller, Curator or Photography, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
Fall National Juried Photography Exhibition, MARIN Museum of Contemporary Art, Marin, CA,
Juror: Jessica Brier, Curatorial Assistant of Photography at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
Fertile Imagination: Art and Agriculture, Schweinfurth Memorial Art Gallery, Auburn, NY, Juried Exhibition.
Up, Up and Away!, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol, CA, Juried Exhibition.
Perceptual Excavations, TEJAS Gallery, Dayton, OH, Juried Exhibition.
26th Annual Northern National Art Competition, Nicolet Art Gallery, Nicolet College, Rhinelander, WI, Juried Exhibition.
Machine/Man/Air/Land, RNG Gallery, Council Bluffs, IA, Two Person Exhibition, Nominated for best two-person exhibition, 2013 Omaha Entertainment Awards
Combines, Preus Library, Luther College, Decorah, IA, Solo Exhibition.
Combines, Farnham Galleries, Simpson College, Indianola, IA, Solo Exhibition.
Systems: National Juried Exhibition, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Allen Priebe Art Gallery, Oshkosh, WI, Juried Exhibition.
Studio Art Faculty Exhibition/2011, University of Nebraska-Omaha Art Gallery, Omaha, NE, Group Show.
Art at the Dump: Twenty Years of the Artist in Residence Program at Recology, Intersection 5M, San Francisco, CA, Group Exhibition.
Academia Invitational, Museum of Nebraska Art, Kearney, NE, Group Exhibition.
61st Juried Exhibition, Eleven State Regional Exhibition, Sioux City Art Center, Sioux City, IA, Curator: Christoph Heinrich, The Polly and Mark Addison Curator of Modern & Contemporary Art at the Denver Art Museum, Juried Exhibition.
Cinema City, Urban Culture Projects, Charlotte Street Foundation Kansas City, MO, Collaboration with Jody Boyer, Solo Exhibition.
Paramnesia, Video Installation, Myers Gallery, Living Arts, Tulsa, OK, Collaboration with Jody Boyer, Solo Exhibition.
Combines, Digital Prints, Council Bluffs Public Library, Council Bluffs, IA, Solo Exhibition.
Paramnesia, Video Installation, Olive DeLuce Gallery, Northwest Missouri State, Maryville, MO, Collaboration with Jody Boyer, Solo Exhibition.
Science Fictions, Video Installation, Farnham Galleries, Simpson College, Indianola, IA, Solo Exhibition.
Resolutions 06, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, Buffalo, NY, Juried Exhibition.
Signal Channel, Bemis Center of Contemporary Art, Omaha, NE, Group Exhibition.
Perform Install, South Bend Regional Museum of Art, South Bend, IN, Three Person Exhibition.
Artist and Mentor Show, College of Saint Mary, Omaha, NE, Group Exhibition.
Objects of Desire, Fundraiser exhibition at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha, NE..
Memoria: Work by Russ Nordman and Jody Boyer, McHenry County College Art Gallery, Crystal Lake, IL, Two Person Exhibition.
The Book of Light and Dark, Nordstrand Visual Arts Gallery, Wayne State College, Wayne, NE.
Paramnesia, Bemis Underground, Bemis Center for Contemporary Art, Collaboration with Jody Boyer, Omaha, NE, Solo Exhibition.
Jetty, Video art work, Bemis Underground, Bemis Art Center for Contemporary Art, Omaha, NE, Film Screening.
Panopoly¸ Site-specific video installation, Turner Building, Corning, IA, Solo Exhibition.
Corning Art Start, Corning Center for the Arts, Corning, IA, Group Exhibition.
59thJuried Exhibition, Best in Show, Sioux City Art Center, Sioux City, IA, Juried Exhibition.
Studio Art Faculty Exhibition/2004, University of Nebraska-Omaha Art Gallery, Omaha, NE, Group Exhibition.
Digital Time Pieces, UCR/California Museum of Photography Riverside, CA, Juried Exhibition.
en route, University of Nebraska-Omaha Art Gallery, Omaha, NE, Solo Exhibition.
Out of the Frame: Installation Works, Mid-America Print Council Printmaking Conference, Lincoln, NE, Group Exhibition.
Ten Days, video screened at Thaw 2001, Iowa City, IA, Film Festival.
A Writer, A Character, A Driver, Film and Video Competition, Des Moines Art Center, Des Moines, IA, Film Festival.
Mass in A-Minor For Suitcases, Performance with Liminiod Laboratory, Des Moines Art Center, Des Moines, IA.
Messe in A-moll für Koffer, Performance with Liminiod Laboratory, St. Petri Kirche Cathedral, Dortmund, Germany.
Penumbra, Performance with Liminiod Laboratory, Intermedia Manifest(ation), Experimental Intermedia, New York, NY.
Blonde Shadow, Performance with Liminiod Laboratory, Global Focus: Human Rights 98, Space Place, Iowa City, IA.
Point of Reference, Performance with Liminiod Laboratory, International Association of Philosophy and Literature Annual Conference, The Barn, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA.
Exchanges, video screened at Thaw 1998, Iowa City, IA, International Film Festival
In collaboration with artist Jody Boyer
Game Play, Osborne Family Gallery, Criss Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE
An art exhibition born from and inspired by video games, sports, board games, and other toy games.
Interact: Lynn Lukkas and Cynthia Pachikara, UNO Art Gallery. University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE
Two interactive video installations. Lynn Lukkas is a media artist and associate professor of Experimental and Media Arts in the Department of Art at the University of Minnesota. Cynthia Pachikara is currently an Associate Professor of Art & Design at the University of Michigan where she also holds a joint appointment in the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning.
The Visual, Fantastik Short Film and Audacious Video Art, Ross Media Art Center, Lincoln, NE and UNO Art Gallery, Omaha, NE, An exhibition of short works curated by Echotrope (Russ Nordman and Jody Boyer) and the Visual.
Single Channel, South Bend Regional Museum of Art. South Bend, IN, An exhibition of short works curated by Russ Nordman and Jody Boyer.
Echotrope Video Art Series, UNO Gallery of Art, Omaha, NE, A video series of short works curated by Echotrope (Russ Nordman and Jody Boyer).
Echotrope Screening, Bemis Underground, Bemis Art Center for Contemporary Arts Omaha, NE, Video works curated by Echotrope (Russ Nordman and Jody Boyer).
Echotrope Video Art Series, UNO Gallery of Art, Omaha, NE, A video series of short works curated by Echotrope (Russ Nordman and Jody Boyer).
Krainak, Michael. “Opposites Attract” The Reader, September 19, 2013
Nordman, Russ. “Creating a Course of Life Is My Livelihood” http://nebraskaculture.wordpress.com/2013/08/05/creating-a-course-of-life-is-my-livelihood/ Part of the “What’s Your Livelihood. Embrace the Arts and Humanities in Nebraska” blog sponsored by the Nebraska Cultural Endowment.
Artist’s Lecture on the Paramnesia exhibition recorded for cablecast, Living Arts Television Show Channel 70, Tulsa. OK.
OklaTravelNews an internet show about events in Oklahoma. Detailed interview about the Paramnesia at Living Arts, Tulsa, OK. OklaTravelNet.com
Stickney, Dane. “Diverse Medium Puts Art in Motion”, Omaha-World Herald, July 23, 2006
Carpenter Kim. “Bemis Features International Survey of Video Art”. Review, Kansas City based Magazine, June 2006
Carpenter Kim. “Echotrope, Bringing Experimental Art to the Midwest”, Omaha Magazine, July/August 2006
Keyes, Whitney. “Students Introduced to New Genre of Art” Northwest Missourian, October 9, 2006
Krainak, Michael. “I-80 Cultural Exchange” Omaha City Weekly, May 3, 2006
Krainak, Michael. “Echotrope III: Experimental film series at UNO features media artist and theorist Michael Betancourt” Omaha City Weekly, February 22, 2006
Rivers, Karen. “Mixing Media” South Bend Tribune, July 23, 2006
“Performance and Installations on View in Indiana”, ArtDaily.comI, August 8, 2006
“Mixed Media Art on Display at Wartburg” Waverly Insider, March 22, 2006
“New Exhibit on Display at Wartburg” Waverly Democrat, March 16, 2006
Krainak, Michael. “Echotrope Artists Do-it-Themselves”. Review, #69, Vol. 7, No. 10 October 2005
Review, #65 Vol 7, No.7 June 2005, An image of from the ‘Paramnesia’ Installation appeared in the exhibition listings.“Nebraska Artist with Joseph Piper: Russ Nordman” MetroVision TV, Television Program originally aired in the fall.
Krainak, Michael. “Outside the Box: Video Art Show at the Bemis Pushes Boundaries”, Omaha City Weekly, May 25, 2005
Krainak, Michael., “Outside Do-It-Yourself: Echotrope Creates Level Playing Field for Time-based Art”, Omaha City Weekly, October 12, 2005
Fischbach, Bob, ‘Free Film Series at UNO’ by, Omaha World-Herald, Oct. 13, 2005
Baker, Sarah. ‘Intercepting Space’ by, The Reader May 12, 2005
Krainak, Michael. ”Paramnesia’ Installation at the Bemis Underground explores ‘Reverie and Reality”, The Omaha City Weekly, May 25, 2005
Interviewed on the following radio and television shows for the Paramensia exhibition: KETV Channel 7 Morning Show, KVNO Radio.
Miller, Rita. “Homecoming events include art gallery exhibit opening”, The Adams County Free Press, Sept. 29, 2005
Ahlin, Elizabeth. “Facility Ready for Artists to take up residents”, Omaha World-Herald, Sept. 30, 2005
Radio Guest on “First Friday Faculty Focus” on KVNO. Discussed my art work and talked about UNO’s Digital Cinema program with Metropolitan Community College.