General Information
Jeremy Harris Lipschultz is Peter Kiewit Distinguished Professor, University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO). He is lead at the UNO Social Media Lab for Research and Engagement (@unosmlre on Twitter, @unosml on Instagram). The lab focuses on community engagement projects. Students work as the Maverick Social Media (MSM) firm for clients in the metro and across rural Nebraska. His fourth edition of Social Media Communication: Concepts, Practices, Data, Law and Ethics (2024) will be followed by a second edition of Social Media Measurement & Management: Entrepreneurial Digital Analytics (2025). Lipschultz previously published Social Media and Political Communication (2023), Social Media Law & Ethics (2022), and more than 100 research articles, book chapters and books. He was guest editor for the 75th Anniversary issue of Journalism & Mass Communication Educator. Lipschultz has held three endowed chairs during his career at UNO, and holds the Outstanding Research and Creative Activity award (ORCA) – the University of Nebraska at Omaha's highest campus research distinction. Additionally, he has been recognized with a UNO Alumni Association teaching award. In 2022, he received UNO’s Circle of Distinction medallion for his contributions. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4391-0181
Teaching Interests
Social Media Measurement and Management; Social Media Law and Policy; Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC); Communication Technology; Communication Theory; Media Entrepreneurship; Public Speaking; Media Ethics; Media Communication and Public Opinion; Internet Media History; and other journalism, political science and technology courses.
Research Interests
Social media and measurement,Communication law and policy,Media entrepreneurship,Communication theory and research,Media and information literacy,Race, gender and elderly issues,Media education,Computer-mediated communication,Newspaper and electronic media use,Broadcast and Internet indecency,Political communication and public opinion,Technology and media,Distance and continuing education programs
Service Summary
Director (2004-2013)CFAM Advisor (2014-2016)Assistant Director (2004)Acting Chair, Department of Communication (2000)Graduate Program Chair (1995-2000)
Awards and Honors
AIM College Tech Educator of the Year, Teaching - 2017
Circle of Distinction, Scholarship/Research - 2022
Ph D, Southern Illinois, 1990
MA, Illinois-Springfield, 1981
BA, Illinois-Urbana, 1980
Professional Development
Community of Practice: Engagement, Professional Development Sessions (35 in 2023), 01/03/2022 - 12/31/2022
Additional Information
- Peter Kiewit Distinguished Professor (2019-present)
- AIM College Tech Educator of the Year, 2017.
- Journalism Educator Career Achievement Award, Omaha Press Club (OPC) Foundation, 2016.
- Isaacson Chair, University of Nebraska at Omaha (2013-2019)
- PRSA Nebraska, Board of Directors, Service Recognition, December 2014 & 2015.
- University Departmental Teaching Award (UDTA), University of Nebraska System, School of Communication, 2009.
- Omaha Press Club Excellence in Journalism, Best Public Relations Blog, first place, Tuesday Morning Update, 2009.
- Omaha Press Club Excellence in Journalism, Public Affairs/Documentary Production honorable mention,Three Days in Omaha: Inside Berkshire Hathaway, 2008.
- UNO Award for Distinguished Research or Creative Activity, 2003-2004.
- Alumni Outstanding Teaching Award in the Division of Humanities 2000-2001, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Additional Information
- Peter Kiewit Distinguished Professor (2019-present)
- AIM College Tech Educator of the Year, 2017.
- Journalism Educator Career Achievement Award, Omaha Press Club (OPC) Foundation, 2016.
- Isaacson Chair, University of Nebraska at Omaha (2013-2019)
- PRSA Nebraska, Board of Directors, Service Recognition, December 2014 & 2015.
- University Departmental Teaching Award (UDTA), University of Nebraska System, School of Communication, 2009.
- Omaha Press Club Excellence in Journalism, Best Public Relations Blog, first place, Tuesday Morning Update, 2009.
- Omaha Press Club Excellence in Journalism, Public Affairs/Documentary Production honorable mention,Three Days in Omaha: Inside Berkshire Hathaway, 2008.
- UNO Award for Distinguished Research or Creative Activity, 2003-2004.
- Alumni Outstanding Teaching Award in the Division of Humanities 2000-2001, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Nebraska at Omaha.