Karen Dwyer
- Professor Emeritus- Part-time Adjunct Professor
Additional Information
Office Hours
Send an email to kdwyer@unomaha.edu to set up a phone or zoom appointment.
Research and Creative Activity Interests
Instructional communication, speech anxiety, communication apprehension, communication education, training and development, team building, facilitation and communication leadership, e-textbooks, classroom climate, communication centersScheduled Teaching
Communication for Instructional Settings, Corporate Training and Development, Communication Research Methods, Topics in Communication Methods, Topics in Speech Communication, Public Speaking Fundamentals, Communication, Teamwork and FacilitationAwards
University of Nebraska Distinguished Teacher - Awarded the University of Nebraska State System Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award (OTICA), 2006
Robert T. Reilly Diamond Professor (2008-2014) – Awarded the Endowed Chair for Research, Leadership & Teaching, School of Communication, University of Nebraska at Omaha.
University-wide Excellence in Teaching Award - awarded by the University of Nebraska at Omaha, 1998
Outstanding Program Award for the Top General Education Program - Awarded by the National Communication Association Basic Course Division, 2010
American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) Champion Award -Awarded by the ASTD Nebraska for Mentoring University Students and Training Professionals, 2004.
University of Nebraska at Omaha – Awarded the University Committee on Teaching Outstanding Teaching Circle Award, 2001.
Conference Paper awards: National Communication Association (NCA) “Top Panel of Competitive Papers,” 1997, 1998, 1999; Distinguished Paper Award for the Top Competitive Paper by the Speech Communication Association (SCA) CAAC Commission.
University Departmental Teaching Award (UDTA, 2009), University of Nebraska System, School of Communication
Selected Publications
Books & Book Chapters
Dwyer, K. (2017). Public Speaking Student Workbook (231 pp.). Fountainhead Press.
Dwyer, K. (2016) iConquer Speech Anxiety and Interview Anxiety. (279 pp), (KLD Books- Academic.
Dwyer, K. K. (2015). Helping students conquer anxiety in the session. Book Chapter in Atkins-Sayer & Yook (Eds.), Communicating advice: Peer tutoring and communication practice, 155-176. Peter Lang Publishing.
Dwyer, K. (2012) iConquer Speech Anxiety Workbook. (226 pp), KLD Books- Academic.
Dwyer, K. (2009). The Multidimensional Model for Selecting Interventions. Book Chapter in J.A. Daly, J.C. McCroskey, J. Ayres, T. Hopf, D. Sonandre, & T. A. Wongprasert (Eds.), Avoiding Communication: Shyness, Reticence, and Communication Apprehension, 359-374, Hampton Press.
Dwyer, K. (2005, 1998). Conquer Your Speech Anxiety: Learn to Overcome Your Nervousness about Public Speaking. Wadsworth/ Cengage.
Dwyer, K., & Baartmans, T. (2003). Vanzelfsprekend. (Speak for Yourself). Lisse, The Netherlands: Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers.
Refereed Journal Articles
Dwyer, K. K., & Davidson, M. M. (2012). Is public speaking really more feared than death? Communication Research Reports, 29(2), 99-107. (Featured in New Yorker Magazine, 8-2-15.)
Dwyer, K. K & Davidson, M. M. (2013). Assessment of E-textbook Usage in a Large Public Speaking Program. Basic Communication Course Annual, 25, 126-160.
Dwyer, K. K & Davidson, M. M. (2013). Electronic Textbooks or Paper Textbooks: What are Students Reading? Or Are They Reading at All? Communication Currents, 8 (3).
Dwyer, K. K & Davidson, M. M. (2013). General Education Oral Communication Assessment & Student Preferences for Learning: E-textbook versus Paper Textbook. Communication Teacher, 27 (1-4) 111-126.
Dwyer, K. K & Davidson, M. M. (2012). Speech Center Support Services, the Basic Course, & Oral Communication Assessment. Basic Communication Course Annual, 24, 122-150.
Howe, M. M., & Dwyer, K.K. (2007). The Influence of Diaphragmatic Breathing to Reduce Situational Anxiety for Basic Course Students. Basic Communication Course Annual 19,104-137.
Carlson, R., Dwyer, K., Bingham, S., M., Cruz, A., Prisbell, M, & Fus, D. (2006). Connected Classroom Climate and Communication Apprehension: Correlations and Implications for the Basic Course. Basic Communication Course Annual 18. 1-27. (refereed, 25%)
Dwyer, K., Bingham, S., Carlson, R., Prisbell, M., Cruz, A. & Fus, D. (2004). Communication and Climate: Development of the Connected Classroom Climate Inventory. Communication Research Reports, 21 (3), 264-272.
Dwyer, K., & Carlson, R. E., Kahre, S. (2002). Communication Apprehension and Basic Course Success: The Lab-supported Public Speaking Course Intervention. Basic Communication Course Annual 14, 87-112.
Dwyer, K. (2000). The Multidimensional Model: Teaching Students to Self-Manage High Communication Apprehension by Self-Selecting Treatments. Communication Education, 49 (1) 72-81. (Featured in the NCA Spectra, January, 2000).
Dwyer, K. (1998). Communication Apprehension and Learning Style Preference: Correlations and Implications for Teaching. Communication Education, 47 (2), 101-114.
Additional Information
Office Hours
Send an email to kdwyer@unomaha.edu to set up a phone or zoom appointment.
Research and Creative Activity Interests
Instructional communication, speech anxiety, communication apprehension, communication education, training and development, team building, facilitation and communication leadership, e-textbooks, classroom climate, communication centersScheduled Teaching
Communication for Instructional Settings, Corporate Training and Development, Communication Research Methods, Topics in Communication Methods, Topics in Speech Communication, Public Speaking Fundamentals, Communication, Teamwork and FacilitationAwards
University of Nebraska Distinguished Teacher - Awarded the University of Nebraska State System Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award (OTICA), 2006
Robert T. Reilly Diamond Professor (2008-2014) – Awarded the Endowed Chair for Research, Leadership & Teaching, School of Communication, University of Nebraska at Omaha.
University-wide Excellence in Teaching Award - awarded by the University of Nebraska at Omaha, 1998
Outstanding Program Award for the Top General Education Program - Awarded by the National Communication Association Basic Course Division, 2010
American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) Champion Award -Awarded by the ASTD Nebraska for Mentoring University Students and Training Professionals, 2004.
University of Nebraska at Omaha – Awarded the University Committee on Teaching Outstanding Teaching Circle Award, 2001.
Conference Paper awards: National Communication Association (NCA) “Top Panel of Competitive Papers,” 1997, 1998, 1999; Distinguished Paper Award for the Top Competitive Paper by the Speech Communication Association (SCA) CAAC Commission.
University Departmental Teaching Award (UDTA, 2009), University of Nebraska System, School of Communication
Selected Publications
Books & Book Chapters
Dwyer, K. (2017). Public Speaking Student Workbook (231 pp.). Fountainhead Press.
Dwyer, K. (2016) iConquer Speech Anxiety and Interview Anxiety. (279 pp), (KLD Books- Academic.
Dwyer, K. K. (2015). Helping students conquer anxiety in the session. Book Chapter in Atkins-Sayer & Yook (Eds.), Communicating advice: Peer tutoring and communication practice, 155-176. Peter Lang Publishing.
Dwyer, K. (2012) iConquer Speech Anxiety Workbook. (226 pp), KLD Books- Academic.
Dwyer, K. (2009). The Multidimensional Model for Selecting Interventions. Book Chapter in J.A. Daly, J.C. McCroskey, J. Ayres, T. Hopf, D. Sonandre, & T. A. Wongprasert (Eds.), Avoiding Communication: Shyness, Reticence, and Communication Apprehension, 359-374, Hampton Press.
Dwyer, K. (2005, 1998). Conquer Your Speech Anxiety: Learn to Overcome Your Nervousness about Public Speaking. Wadsworth/ Cengage.
Dwyer, K., & Baartmans, T. (2003). Vanzelfsprekend. (Speak for Yourself). Lisse, The Netherlands: Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers.
Refereed Journal Articles
Dwyer, K. K., & Davidson, M. M. (2012). Is public speaking really more feared than death? Communication Research Reports, 29(2), 99-107. (Featured in New Yorker Magazine, 8-2-15.)
Dwyer, K. K & Davidson, M. M. (2013). Assessment of E-textbook Usage in a Large Public Speaking Program. Basic Communication Course Annual, 25, 126-160.
Dwyer, K. K & Davidson, M. M. (2013). Electronic Textbooks or Paper Textbooks: What are Students Reading? Or Are They Reading at All? Communication Currents, 8 (3).
Dwyer, K. K & Davidson, M. M. (2013). General Education Oral Communication Assessment & Student Preferences for Learning: E-textbook versus Paper Textbook. Communication Teacher, 27 (1-4) 111-126.
Dwyer, K. K & Davidson, M. M. (2012). Speech Center Support Services, the Basic Course, & Oral Communication Assessment. Basic Communication Course Annual, 24, 122-150.
Howe, M. M., & Dwyer, K.K. (2007). The Influence of Diaphragmatic Breathing to Reduce Situational Anxiety for Basic Course Students. Basic Communication Course Annual 19,104-137.
Carlson, R., Dwyer, K., Bingham, S., M., Cruz, A., Prisbell, M, & Fus, D. (2006). Connected Classroom Climate and Communication Apprehension: Correlations and Implications for the Basic Course. Basic Communication Course Annual 18. 1-27. (refereed, 25%)
Dwyer, K., Bingham, S., Carlson, R., Prisbell, M., Cruz, A. & Fus, D. (2004). Communication and Climate: Development of the Connected Classroom Climate Inventory. Communication Research Reports, 21 (3), 264-272.
Dwyer, K., & Carlson, R. E., Kahre, S. (2002). Communication Apprehension and Basic Course Success: The Lab-supported Public Speaking Course Intervention. Basic Communication Course Annual 14, 87-112.
Dwyer, K. (2000). The Multidimensional Model: Teaching Students to Self-Manage High Communication Apprehension by Self-Selecting Treatments. Communication Education, 49 (1) 72-81. (Featured in the NCA Spectra, January, 2000).
Dwyer, K. (1998). Communication Apprehension and Learning Style Preference: Correlations and Implications for Teaching. Communication Education, 47 (2), 101-114.