Dr. Lisa German
- she, her
- Communication
office phone:
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office hours:
M 2-2:30 pm, TR 12:30 -1:00 pm, and W 1:00 - 2:30 pm
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General Information
Dr. German earned her doctoral degree from the University of New Mexico, with an emphasis in culture and health communication. A native Nebraskan, she taught at a community college in Albuquerque, New Mexico for 10 years before moving home to Omaha and UNO. Dr. German considers UNO home as she earned both her B.A. and M.A. at UNO, where she taught and advised students for several years before moving to New Mexico.
Teaching Interests
Interpersonal Communication, Public Speaking, Culture and Communication, Health Communication, Family Communication, Research Methods
Research Interests
Culture and Health Communication, especially as related to stigmatized conditions and advocating for same.