Lisa Fay Coutley
- Associate Professor
- Writer's Workshop
- 209 WFAB
- Poetry & Creative Nonfiction
Additional Information
Lisa Fay Coutley is the author of tether (Black Lawrence, 2020), Errata (Southern Illinois, 2015), winner of the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry Open Competition, selected by Adrienne Su, and In the Carnival of Breathing (BLP, 2011), winner of the Black River Chapbook Competition. She is also the editor of the forthcoming anthology, In the Tempered Dark: Contemporary Poets Transcending Elegy (Black Lawrence, 2024).
Her poetry has been awarded a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship, fellowships and scholarships to the Sewanee and Bread Loaf Writers’ Conferences, an Academy of American Poets Levis Prize, selected by Dana Levin, and the 2021 Gulf Coast Poetry Prize, selected by Natalie Diaz.
Her writing has been anthologized widely, including Best New Poets, Best of the Net, Verse Daily, Poetry Daily, and others. Her most recent prose and poetry appear in Brevity, Copper Nickel, Gulf Coast, Missouri Review, NELLE, Pleiades, and Waxwing. She has taught at Northern Michigan University, where she was Poetry Editor for Passages North, University of Utah, where she was Poetry Editor for Quarterly West, Snow College, University of Oregon.
She is presently an Associate Professor of Poetry and Creative Nonfiction in the Writer’s Workshop at the University of Nebraska Omaha, where she serves as faculty advisor to the campus journal 13th Floor.
Research & Creative Activity Interests
- Poetry & Poetics
- Poetic Lineation & Portraiture
- Epic & Lyric Traditions
- Women in Literature
- Race, Class, & Gender in Literature
- Elegy & Grief Narratives
- Science & Literary Intersections
- Genre Hybridity
2014 Ph.D. - Literature & Creative Writing: Epic & Lyric Poetry, University of Utah
2010 M.F.A. - Poetry, Northern Michigan University
2007 M.A. - Creative Nonfiction, Northern Michigan University
2004 B.A. - English & Creative Writing; Humanistic Studies, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Scheduled Teaching
Poetry Studio, Fundamentals of Poetry, Creative Nonfiction Studio, Literary Magazine
Fall 2024 Classes
The Business of Writing & Publishing, Tuesday 1 - 3:30pm
Poetry Studio, Wednesday 1 - 3:30pm
Area of Focus
Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, and Editing and PublishingAdditional Information
Lisa Fay Coutley is the author of tether (Black Lawrence, 2020), Errata (Southern Illinois, 2015), winner of the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry Open Competition, selected by Adrienne Su, and In the Carnival of Breathing (BLP, 2011), winner of the Black River Chapbook Competition. She is also the editor of the forthcoming anthology, In the Tempered Dark: Contemporary Poets Transcending Elegy (Black Lawrence, 2024).
Her poetry has been awarded a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship, fellowships and scholarships to the Sewanee and Bread Loaf Writers’ Conferences, an Academy of American Poets Levis Prize, selected by Dana Levin, and the 2021 Gulf Coast Poetry Prize, selected by Natalie Diaz.
Her writing has been anthologized widely, including Best New Poets, Best of the Net, Verse Daily, Poetry Daily, and others. Her most recent prose and poetry appear in Brevity, Copper Nickel, Gulf Coast, Missouri Review, NELLE, Pleiades, and Waxwing. She has taught at Northern Michigan University, where she was Poetry Editor for Passages North, University of Utah, where she was Poetry Editor for Quarterly West, Snow College, University of Oregon.
She is presently an Associate Professor of Poetry and Creative Nonfiction in the Writer’s Workshop at the University of Nebraska Omaha, where she serves as faculty advisor to the campus journal 13th Floor.
Research & Creative Activity Interests
- Poetry & Poetics
- Poetic Lineation & Portraiture
- Epic & Lyric Traditions
- Women in Literature
- Race, Class, & Gender in Literature
- Elegy & Grief Narratives
- Science & Literary Intersections
- Genre Hybridity
2014 Ph.D. - Literature & Creative Writing: Epic & Lyric Poetry, University of Utah
2010 M.F.A. - Poetry, Northern Michigan University
2007 M.A. - Creative Nonfiction, Northern Michigan University
2004 B.A. - English & Creative Writing; Humanistic Studies, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Scheduled Teaching
Poetry Studio, Fundamentals of Poetry, Creative Nonfiction Studio, Literary Magazine
Fall 2024 Classes
The Business of Writing & Publishing, Tuesday 1 - 3:30pm
Poetry Studio, Wednesday 1 - 3:30pm