Are you a UNO undergraduate student considering a master's degree?
The School of Communication has developed a Fast Track program for highly qualified and motivated students providing the opportunity to complete a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in an accelerated time frame. With Fast Track, students may count up to 9 graduate hours toward the completion of their undergraduate program as well as the graduate degree program.
Program Overview
Program Specifics:
- This program is available for undergraduate students pursuing any of the following:
- BA or BS in Communication Studies or a BA or BS in Journalism and Media Communication
- Students must have completed no less than 75 undergraduate hours or be recommended for the program by the undergraduate advisor and graduate program chair.
- Students must have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 and major GPA of 3.75 or be recommended for the program by the undergraduate advisor and graduate program chair.
- Students must complete the Fast Track Approval form and obtain all signatures and submit to the Office of Graduate Studies prior to first enrollment in a graduate course.
- Students will work with their undergraduate advisor to register for the graduate courses.
- A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for graduate coursework to remain in good standing.
- Students remain undergraduates until they meet all the requirements for the undergraduate degree and are eligible for all rights and privileges granted undergraduate status including financial aid.
- Near the end of the undergraduate program, formal application to the graduate program is required. The application fee will be waived, the applicant will need to contact the Office of Graduate Studies for a fee waiver code.
- Admission to Fast Track does NOT guarantee admission to the graduate program.
- The admit term must be after the completion term of the undergraduate degree.
The following courses may be taken under the Fast-Track program:
COMM 8000, Foundations of Communication
COMM 8010, Quantitative Methods
COMM 8020, Qualitative Methods
COMM 8040, Rhetorical Methods
Roma Subramanian, Ph.D.
Professor & Graduate Program Chair
School of Communication, ASH 107L
University of Nebraska at Omaha