UNO CFAM College Constitution
Who We Are
The College of Communication, Fine Arts and Media (CFAM) consists of three academic schools: School of the Arts (including Art & Art History, Theatre, and Writer’s Workshop), School of Communication (including UNO Television), and School of Music. In addition to the three schools, KVNO Radio is supervised by the CFAM dean.
Educational Mission
CFAM is committed to educating scholars, artists, and citizens who make important contributions to the cultural growth and well-being of the people of the region and prepares students to successfully participate in a global community. Central to the college’s educational mission is the instruction of students in the essential, practical, and theoretical knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen disciplines; this includes opportunities for collaboration, proactivity, and professional and civic problem-solving to give graduates a competitive advantage in current and future job markets. The college is equally committed to the engagement of a broader constituency through its diverse institutional and societal outreach activities, modeled and supported by administrators, faculty, and staff.
Faculty Mission
CFAM is committed to continuing its learning and contributions to cultural growth and the well-being of people in its region, nation, and global community. The college responds to changing developments within its professions (i.e., the arts, communication, media, and technology), as well as attending to societal and global shifts that drive its teaching, scholarship, research, creative activities, and service. Administration, faculty, and staff are committed to the review of institutional data and existing practices to inform the development of curricula, programs, and missions.
Continued Mission
The college is united by its shared conviction that imagination and human communication are inseparable aspects of the same intellectual process. The University of Nebraska at Omaha and the larger community are best served by a diverse academic body that uses its liberal arts roots to understand and engage with evolving and dynamic integrative media and communication, as well as both traditional and new ways of artistic expression. Through both traditional and innovative teaching and the use of emerging technologies, CFAM promotes engagement with the broader community in all aspects of human communication.
Article I. Governance
Subject to the powers vested in the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, or delegated to its administrative officers, the immediate governance of the college shall be by its faculty.
Article II. Membership
Section 1. College Membership
Faculty members in the college; staff employed in the instructional, administrative, and academic support units of the college; and students admitted to study in major programs of the instructional units of the college shall comprise the constituent membership of the college.
Section 2. Voting Membership
Voting membership of the faculty of the college (hereafter referred to as the faculty):
- Full-time faculty of the college holding continuous appointments, appointments for a specific term, or special appointments are voting members.
- Faculty with appointments to more than one college, including CFAM, shall declare in which college they desire to be a voting member.
- Those faculty participating in a partial or phased retirement program may continue voting membership by written declaration to the dean of their intention to fulfill the responsibilities of such membership, including the responsibilities as representatives of the college or their unit if elected.
Section 3. Ex Officio Membership
The president of the University of Nebraska, the chancellor of the University of Nebraska at Omaha, the dean of the college, and such other persons as may be designated by the faculty shall be ex-officio, non-voting members of the faculty.
Section 4. Rights and Responsibilities
The College Voting Faculty shall have the right and responsibility to present, review, and act on matters pertaining to the college within the limits of governmental power designated in the bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.
Section 5. Business
Meetings. College meetings shall be held at least once a semester at a time and place designated by the dean. Prior notice of at least ten working days shall be provided to the faculty. Meetings shall be conducted in accord with the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, where not in conflict with the constitution of the college, or special rules of order the college may adopt. Agendas of regular meetings shall include opportunities for reports of standing committees and dean’s councils. Any members of the faculty shall have the right and responsibility to present for consideration by the voting faculty matters pertinent to the purposes and functions of the college.
Special Meetings. Special meetings of the voting membership of the college may be called by the chancellor of the University or by the dean of the college. Special meetings must be called by the dean within ten working days after a petition by at least ten faculty members, a request by the Executive Committee, the Faculty Personnel Committee, the Educational Policy Committee, the Technology Committee, the Student Advisory Committee, the Staff Advisory Committee, the Cultural Enrichment Fee Committee, the DEAI Committee, or a majority vote of the faculty when in regular or special session. Only agenda items distributed to the faculty of the college at least five working days in advance shall be transacted at a special meeting.
Quorum. No quorum of the faculty is required at college faculty meetings to approve minutes, receive reports, introduce, discuss, or amend motions. Votes to approve motions, however, shall be conducted via mail or electronic ballot and fifty percent of the eligible faculty shall constitute a quorum. Fifty percent plus one of those voting shall constitute a majority. Ballots are due for tally no earlier than five working days after they are distributed.
Article III. Operating Structure
Section 1. Executive Committee
Membership. Administrative unit heads with the dean as chair. The Executive Committee shall consist of the directors of the School of the Arts, School of Communication, School of Music, and assistant/associate dean(s). The dean may appoint a KVNO representative.
Duties. The Executive Committee shall be concerned with the general administration of the college and its faculty, staff, and students. The committee shall provide leadership in establishing the vision and strategic plan for the college as well as serving in an advisory role to the dean. The committee shall reflect a broad perspective of the issues and concerns of the college as a whole. The members of the committee shall represent their units in order to build consensus regarding the needs, interests, and opportunities across the college.
When consensus is required regarding faculty personnel and governance issues, discussion shall be reserved to faculty members on the committee. Specific issues for the committee include but are not limited to, class schedule, allocation of part-time instructional funds, selection of college staff, faculty/staff honors and awards, annual reviews, faculty development fellowships, leaves of absence, allocation of academic equipment, and enhancement funds, distribution of faculty travel funds, merit salary procedures, fundraising activities and distribution, staff professional development opportunities, programming, licensee relationships, other management/leadership obligations and responsibilities of the college, and issues related to the organization and operation of relevant activities of the college.
While the committee shall discuss and advise on a wide range of issues, the college and dean recognize that some issues are not directly relevant to all units or personnel and that shall be reflected in the decision-making process. When appropriate, the dean shall consult with affected units and/or other college committees for advice and recommendations. The Executive Committee, as requested by the dean, shall review all decisions, policies, and procedures of the college.
Section 2. Faculty Personnel Committee
Membership. Nine tenured faculty members (directors and assistant directors not eligible) selected from the constituent academic units, apportioned as follows: three members each from the School of the Arts, School of Communication, and School of Music. In addition, the dean may appoint a representative to serve, in an ex-officio capacity, as a liaison between the dean and the committee.
Selection Process. Members representing each academic unit are elected by the faculty of that unit for a three-year term with approximately one or two of the membership rotating each year. Members may serve consecutive terms. Each constituent academic unit must elect at least one alternate member to attend meetings or perform duties if an elected member is unable to carry out those responsibilities. Results of elections, containing the name(s) of at least one alternate, must be kept on file in the Office of the Dean.
Duties. Advise the dean on matters initiated by the committee or by the faculty or referred to it by the dean; make recommendations regarding promotion, tenure, reappointment, and policies pertaining thereto; serve as an appeal committee in matters concerning merit salary allocation, annual review, faculty development fellowships, and leaves of absence, and make recommendations to the dean based upon its findings.
Participation/Voting. For reappointment, promotion, and/or tenure (RPT) recommendations involving faculty in a committee member’s school/department, the committee member can participate in discussions on both the school/department level and the college level. However, the committee member can vote on either the school/unit level or the college level, but not both. The level on which a committee member will vote on an RPT recommendation is to be formally announced by the school/department prior to RPT discussions at the school/department level.
Section 3. Educational Policy Committee
Membership. Six full-time faculty members (may be pre-tenure or non-tenure track; directors not eligible) to be apportioned as follows: two members each from the School of the Arts, School of Communication, and School of Music. In addition, the dean may appoint a representative to serve, in an ex-officio capacity, as a liaison between the dean and the committee.
Selection Process. Members representing each academic unit are elected by the faculty of that unit for a three-year term with approximately one or two of the membership rotating each year. Members may serve consecutive terms. Each constituent academic unit must elect at least one alternate member to attend meetings or perform duties if an elected member is unable to carry out those responsibilities. Results of elections, containing the name(s) of at least one alternate, must be kept on file in the Office of the Dean.
Duties. The committee shall advise the dean on all matters of educational policy including, but not limited to, matters relating to academic standards, periodic review of the various degree programs, admission and graduation requirements, new degrees, new programs, changes in degree programs, recommend to the chancellor the names of those students who have completed the requirements for graduation and that degrees be awarded to those students, adjudicate on formal student appeals for relief from college and departmental rules, academic suspension, undergraduate student grievances and grades, and, the addition, deletion, and revision of courses. For grade appeals, two students from the Student Advisory Committee shall be selected to serve as non-voting participants in the review process pending permission from the appealing student. The committee will also be responsible for setting the procedures for the evaluation and recommendation process of the dean every three years (Article IV Section 3).
Section 4. Technology Committee
Membership and Selection Process. Six faculty members (may be tenured or pre-tenure; directors not eligible) to be apportioned as follows: two members each from the School of the Arts, School of Communication, and School of Music. In addition, the manager of engineering (or designee) from KVNO Radio/UNO Television. The directors select members from the constituent units. The dean may appoint a representative to serve, in an ex-officio capacity, as a liaison between the dean and the committee.
Duties. Advise the dean on technology planning and implementation as well as requests for hardware and software purchases and repairs.
Section 5. Student Advisory Committee
Membership. Nine students selected from the majors in the constituent academic units and apportioned as follows: three members each from the School of the Arts, School of Communication, and School of Music.
Selection Process. Selected from the majors in the units by a process to be determined by the unit; may be elected or appointed.
Duties. Bring/carry information as appropriate to the activities of the college to and from the dean.
Section 6. Staff Advisory Committee
Membership and Selection Process. A five-member committee with one office/service or managerial/professional member from each of the following units: School of the Arts, School of Communication, School of Music, KVNO Radio, and Office of the Dean. Each unit will determine if its member is elected or selected by the “unit” head. Members shall serve a two-year term with approximately one or two of the membership rotating off the committee each year. Members may serve consecutive terms.
Duties. Advise the dean on matters initiated by the committee or referred to it by the dean and which are not specifically within the domain of the Educational Policy Committee or the Faculty Personnel Committee.
Section 7. Cultural Enrichment Fee Committee
Membership and Selection Process. Each academic school will nominate one faculty, one staff member and one student (undergraduate or graduate). The directors select nominees from the constituent units. From the nominees, the dean will select a minimum of five people to serve as the committee. Committee membership should reflect representation from priority areas as determined by the dean in consultation with the College Executive Committee. The committee must include at least three faculty members, one staff member, and one student. In addition, UNO Student Government will be asked to assign one student as an ex-officio member of the committee. Members may serve consecutive terms.
Duties. Advise the dean on policies, procedures, and actual use of the cultural enrichment student fees. The committee will meet at least once a semester.
Section 8. Diversity, Equity, Access, and Inclusion Committee
Membership and selection. Initially the dean will appoint two co-chairs chosen from among the faculty of the three schools. The co-chairs will coordinate with the dean’s office to solicit nominations for membership on the committee and will select three faculty members from each school to be appointed with the dean’s consent. Each faculty member will serve a three-year term on a staggered rotation. Faculty members may be re-appointed.
In addition, one student member from each school may also be appointed in a similar manner to serve a one-year term and may be re-appointed. The dean may appoint a representative to serve, in an ex-officio capacity, as a liaison between the dean and the committee.
Mission. This committee will support and ensure a diverse and inclusive climate for students, staff, faculty, and leadership through 1) listening actions [actively gathering questions and concerns about the current climate] and 2) leading actions [efforts to improve and maintain an inclusive and equitable environment for all] meeting or exceeding college determined goals.
Section 9. Other Advisory Committees/Ad Hoc Committees/Support Groups/Community Boards
The dean, faculty, and standing committees may create special committees. The dean shall appoint members of special committees unless otherwise determined for special committees created by the faculty or one of its standing committees.
Article IV. Office of the Dean
Section 1. Responsibilities
The dean of the college shall provide educational leadership; be the administrative head of the college; provide leadership in development activities for the college; serve as an intermediary between the college and the university, advocate for the college’s programs, faculty, students, and staff, and act as the presiding officer at college meetings. The dean shall assume the duties and responsibilities of this office as designated in the bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.
Section 2. Selection of the Dean
The Executive Committee shall meet, when necessary, with the chancellor (or designee) concerning the formation of an advisory committee for the selection of a dean. The dean shall be appointed by the Board of Regents upon recommendation of the chancellor in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.
Section 3. Evaluation and Continued Appointment
In addition to and consistent with university policy and the bylaws of the Board of Regents providing for periodic evaluation of administrators, the members of the college shall have the right and responsibility to evaluate the dean of the college annually. Every three years of a sitting dean’s appointment, the members of the college shall make recommendations to the chancellor (or designee) concerning continued appointment of the dean. The procedures for the evaluation and recommendation process shall be the responsibility of the Faculty Personnel Committee.
Section 4. Temporary Vacancy
In case the dean becomes incapacitated or other temporary vacancy in the Office of the Dean occurs, the Executive Committee, after conferring with the faculty/staff in their respective units, shall confer with the chancellor (or designee) on the appointment of an acting or interim dean.
Section 5. Assistant/Associate Dean
The dean, after appropriate consultation with the college’s faculty and in accordance with university policies and procedures, may appoint assistant and/or associate deans.
Article V. Administrative Units
Section 1. Introduction
The college consists of three academic schools: School of the Arts (including Art & Art History, Theatre, and Writer’s Workshop), School of Communication (including UNO Television), School of Music, and KVNO Radio.
Each unit shall determine its committee structures and operating procedures.
Section 2. Unit Heads
Selection. An academic unit head shall be designated by the title of coordinator for a unit or director for a school. The academic unit head shall be appointed by the dean, after appropriate consultation with the unit’s faculty and/or staff and in accordance with university policies and procedures. Upon consultation with unit faculty and/or staff and appropriate university administrators, the dean may make interim or acting appointments. The unit head shall not have tenure in office; tenure as a faculty member for the unit heads shall be a matter of separate right.
The director/general manager of UNO Television is appointed by the director of the School of Communication (since it is a unit of the school) in consultation with the dean. The general manager of KVNO is appointed directly by the dean.
Responsibilities. The unit heads shall be the officers primarily charged with the administration of the units. Each unit head shall be the presiding officer of the unit’s faculty and/or staff, the unit’s chief advisor to the dean, an intermediary between the unit and other individuals and units of the university, and an advocate for the unit’s programs and members. The unit head may make recommendations to the dean and the faculty of the college concerning the welfare of the unit and its relations to other units. Before making such recommendations, the unit head shall consult with the appropriate faculty and/or staff. Where the recommendation of the unit head differs from the advice given by the appropriate unit faculty and/or staff the unit head shall so inform the dean.
Article VI. Supra-Departmental or Interdepartmental Units
Supra-departmental or interdepartmental units, such as schools and interdisciplinary programs, may be established. Channels of administrative communication shall be defined when such units are created. Annual assessment and reappointment recommendations for faculty in such units shall be the consistent responsibility of a single administrator, such as a school director.
Article VII. Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws
Section 1. Proposal of Amendments
Amendments to the constitution and bylaws may be proposed in one of three ways: (a) the faculty members of the Executive Committee; (b) a special ad-hoc committee; or (c) at least ten faculty members may draft and submit to the Executive Committee for transmission to the whole faculty. Amendments must be circulated to the faculty at least five working days before a regular or special faculty meeting at which time the proposed amendment(s) shall be discussed.
Section 2. Approval of Amendments
Voting shall be by either mail or electronic ballot. Approval by two-thirds of the faculty voting on the question shall be necessary for adoption. Fifty percent of the eligible faculty shall constitute a quorum. Ballots are due for tally no earlier than five working days after they are distributed.
Nothing in these Bylaws shall be construed to be in conflict with any applicable law or with the Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, which may be amended from time-to-time; and in cases of conflict between these Bylaws and the Bylaws of the Board of Regents or any applicable law, the latter shall take precedence.