Acting Coach Tom Todoroff
Take your acting career to the next stage with New York Director, Producer and Acting Coach Tom Todoroff
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- Tom Todoroff

Two-Day Acting Intensive
Feb 25-26 / 10am-5pm / WFAB 006
Tom Todoroff is a seasoned professional and an accomplished teacher. He has the kind of intimate first-hand knowledge of the entertainment industry that students crave. More importantly, his approach to actor training is rich in content, but his delivery makes it easy and simple to apply. His two–day intensive acting workshop yields real results and helps lift actors to the next level of excellence. The School of the Arts is pleased to welcome Tom to the Weber Fine Arts Building for the weekend of February 25th and 26th. We hope you’ll take advantage of this remarkable opportunity.
Jack Zerbe, Director, School of the Arts
"If I wanted to be an actor, Tom’s the guy" Alexander Payne
"Tom’s care, sensitivity, and insight are second to none" Liam Neeson
"Todoroff is the best, all you need is T.T." Samuel L. Jackson
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