Watie White. The 100 People Project.
Omaha Artist to exhibit unique community project in Weber Fine Arts.
- date: 01/24/20 - 02/22/20
- time: 12:00 AM
- search keywords:
- Watie White
- 100 People
- Weber Fine Arts
- UNO Art Gallery
- School of the Arts

Watie White’s "100 People" will open the School of the Arts Gallery schedule in 2020. The project involved identifying and collaborating with 100 artists and social advocates in Omaha, Nebraska. Beginning in 2017, each portrait started as a 2' x 1' woodcut, and then was digitally enlarged as a 8' x 4' mural and installed throughout the city of Omaha.
Copies of each mural are mounted permanently upon select buildings of a private owner that has pledged to keep the mural up for a minimum of 10 years.
The exhibit strives to create change in Omaha by the collective impact of publicly honoring 100 people across the city. In addition, the group of artists, nonprofit leaders, scientists and donors who took part in the project gain publicity, mentorship or opportunity through their highlighted participation.
The exhibit opens in the Weber Fine Arts Gallery and the Osborne Gallery in Criss Library starting January 17, 2020 and runs until February 22.
An opening reception, open to the public, will take place in both galleries on January 24 from 4:00 - 6:30 p.m.
The Weber Fine Arts Gallery will host a panel discussion with Watie about the project and his work on February 5, 2020 from 7:30 - 9 p.m.
Exhibit Opening Reception
Fri | Jan 24 | 4:00 - 6:30pm
Weber Fine Arts Gallery and Criss Library Osborne Gallery
Panel Discussion with Watie
Feb 5 | 7:30 - 9pm
In addition to the exhibition, the School of the Arts Theatre program will be performing "Blood at the Root," a production based on actual events that occured in 2006 and resonate with Watie's works.
The gallery will have special hours from 9:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. on the nights that "Blood at the Root" will be performing in the Weber Fine Arts Theatre. The special days and hours are:
Wed. Feb 19
Thur. Feb 20
Fri. Feb 21
Sat. Feb 22