MavForensics Win at Nebraska Intercollegiate Forensics Association Competition
MavForensics continues a long history of excellence with state-wide success.
- published: 2021/02/24
- search keywords:
- MavForensics

(Feb 13, 2021) MavForensics earned multiple placements and awards at the Nebraska Intercollegiate Forensics Association (NIFA)’s statewide competition, including an overall second-place finish in the open division, even with one of the smallest teams in the state. This continues a strong history of success - UNO has placed in the top two at NIFA for the past 14 years.
After crafting, memorizing, polishing, and continuously performing events in 11 different categories, seven of the eight team members were finalists, some in multiple categories.
The commitment and adaptability shown by MavForensics students this year has been admirable – not only have they worked to perfect their performances, but have been competing virtually, across multiple platforms. This can be particularly difficult for events like DUO, which requires two students traditionally competing side-by-side, and often physically interacting. UNO was not only the first school to put up their DUO this year, but the first-place state title winner for the category, thanks to Senior Matt Denny and Junior Riley Smith’s efforts.
Senior William Kunkle snagged another first-place finish in Extemporaneous Public Speaking, which focuses on crafting arguments based on current events with very little time to prepare. This is UNO’s first ever state champion in the category.
Senior Maria Mendes Pinto, on top of her ranking in Informative Speaking, was awarded the Spirit of NIFA award. The Spirit of NIFA award is annually presented to a forensics student who is nominated by their peers and voted on by other schools around the state. This student is judged on leadership traits, good sportsmanship, and their demonstration of the exemplary values and academic rigor that the organization celebrates.
The MavForensics team for 2021 includes Seniors Matt Denny, William Kunkle, Santiago Lopez, and Maria Mendes Pinto; Juniors Addison Parr and Riley Smith; and Freshmen Jaden Berlin and Veronica Peck.
The MavForensics team is led by Amanda Goodrich, Director and Traelon Medero Graham, Assistant Director. Learn more about the team and program.
While the forensics program is housed in the College of Communication, Fine Arts and Media's School of Communication, it serves all university students. Forensics competitors have had a range of academic majors, including biotechnology, communication studies, computer science, mathematics, political science, business and education. Regardless of major, experience, or expertise, MavForensics welcomes all students to join our unique, academically-centered team!
Although team auditions are typically held the summer before the season begins, we are always looking for new members. If you'd like more information about the team or how to join, please contact any member of our coaching staff.
Help support and join a winning team. All gifts are used to cover the expenses needed to travel, register students for competition, host tournaments at UNO, and purchase supplies. Operational expenses limit the number of students that we can welcome to our program. With your help, we can provide more students on campus the opportunity of a life-changing experiences that forensics offers.