The Writer’s Workshop Around Town
Numerous community partnerships extend the Writer’s Workshop classroom.
Across the UNO Campus
- 13th Floor Magazine, a literary journal completely edited and published by students of the Writer’s Workshop.
- Writer’s Workshop faculty are featured guests on “Required Reading,” a UNO Television series that showcases faculty authors.
- With KVNO Radio, the Writer’s Workshop produces “Writer’s Workshop on the Air,” presenting the Writer’s Workshop Reading Series and interviews with nationally acclaimed writers.
- Writer’s Workshop faculty are invited instructors of “Autobiographical Reading and Writing,” the gateway course for Thompson Learning Community scholars.
Across the City of Omaha
- “PROCESS: Creativity At Work" - In collaboration with KANEKO Creativity Library, the Writer’s Workshop presents a series of panel discussions that bring together professionals from a wide range of disciplines to explore the creative process.
- At the Pizza Shoppe in Benson, students and community members participate in Prose Slams.
- At El Museo Latino, the first Latino Art & History Museum and Cultural Center in the Midwest, the Writer’s Workshop presents a series of public readings.
- In collaboration with Film Streams, the Writer’s Workshop is developing a course of study in Screenwriting.