Dr. Brian A Knarr
- Biomechanics, Associate Professor
General Information
Dr. Knarr's research takes an interdisciplinary approach by combining clinical, experimental, computational, and device design concepts to develop clinically translatable rehabilitation. Focus areas include post-stroke rehabilitation and sports biomechanics.
Teaching Interests
Device Design, Sports Biomechanics, Modeling, Orthopedic Biomechanics
Research Interests
Neuromuscular Rehabilitation, Sports Injury and Performance
Service Summary
Director, Machining and Prototyping Core; Co-director, UNO Biomechanics Pitching Lab; Co-director, Biomechanics Rehabilitation and Manufacturing Initiative; Assistant Director, Center for Research in Human Movement Variability
Ph D, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, Biomechanics and Movement Science, 2012
MS, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, Mechanical Engineering, Biomechanics, 2009
BS, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ, Mechanical Engineering, 2006
Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity
Selected Publications
Hedrick, E, Parker, S, Hsiao, H, Knarr, Brian. 2021. Mechanisms used to increase propulsive forces on a treadmill in older adults., Journal of biomechanics, 115, 110139.
Lanier, Amelia, Knarr, Brian, Stergiou, Nicholas, Snyder-Mackler, L, Buchanan, T. 2020. ACL injury and reconstruction affect control of ground reaction forces produced during a novel task that simulates cutting movements., Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 38, 8, 1746-1752.
Knarr, Brian, Higginson, Jill. 2015. Practical approach to subject-specific estimation of knee joint contact force, Journal of Biomechanics, 48, 11, 2897-2902.
Knarr, Brian, Kesar, T, Reisman, D, Binder-Macleod, S, Higginson, J. 2013. Changes in the activation and function of the ankle plantar flexor muscles due to gait retraining in chronic stroke survivors., Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 10, 12.
Kempski, K, Ray, N, Knarr, Brian, Higginson, J. 2019. Dynamic structure of variability in joint angles and center of mass position during user-driven treadmill walking., Gait & posture, 71, 241-244.