Nathaniel H Hunt
- Biomechanics, Associate Professor
General Information
In our lab, we focus on discovering the principles of sensorimotor control and biomechanics underlying balance and agility. We strive to advance understanding and improving motor performance through a comprehensive, systems-oriented lens, focusing on intelligent locomotion and its components: perception, learning, decision-making, control, dynamics, and embodied mechanics.
Teaching Interests
Laboratory Methods in BiomechanicsBioinspired Robotics
Research Interests
Dynamics and Control of Balance and AgilityAugmented Sensorimotor ControlReducing Falls for Older AdultsCanopy Locomotion BiomechanicsBioinspired Robotics
Ph D, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, Integrative Biology, Biomechanics, 2017
MS, University of Nebraska, Omaha, Omaha, NE, Exercise Science, Biomechanics, 2012
BS, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, Physics, Computer Science, 2010
Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity
Selected Publications
Hunt, Nate, Jinn, Judy, Jacobs, Lucia, Full, Robert. 2021. Acrobatic squirrels learn to leap and land on tree branches without falling, Science, 373, 6555, 697-700.
Jacobs, Lucia, Hunt, Nathaniel, Full, Robert. 2021. We used peanuts and a climbing wall to learn how squirrels judge their leaps so successfully – and how their skills could inspire more nimble robots, The Conversation.
Rasmussen, Corbin, Hunt, Nate. 2019. A novel wearable device to deliver unconstrained slip perturbations during gait., Journal of NeuroEngineering, 16, 1, 1-11.
Rasmussen, Corbin, Hunt, Nathaniel. 2021. Unconstrained slip mechanics during turning, Journal of Biomechanics, 125, 110572.
Externally Funded Research
MECHANISMS OF FALL RESISTANCE TO DIVERSE SLIPPING CONDITIONS, National Institutes of Health, Federal, 06/15/2019 - 05/31/2022