General Information
Dr. Malcolm worked on exoskeletons for walking, running footwear, and sports biomechanics at different interdisciplinary labs at Harvard, Carnegie Mellon, and Ghent University. The team of Dr. Malcolm focuses on using biomechanics to optimize wearable robots as well as using these wearable robots to better understand walking biomechanics. Our long-term goals are to gain new insights by leveraging the capability of wearable robots to act on specific phases and to develop more clinically feasible optimization methods. Ongoing projects include hip exoskeleton and waist tether optimization, modular footwear design, and metabolic cost estimation.
Teaching Interests
Biomechanics, Biomechatronics, MATLAB, Lab methods
Research Interests
Wearable devices for assisting and retraining walking and running. Metabolic cost measurement and simulation of walking.
Service Summary
Dr. Malcolm serves as a member of the adult IRB of UNMC.
Awards and Honors
Young investigator Award, Scholarship/Research - 2007
CTR Superstar finalist, Scholarship/Research - 2018
Study of the week, Scholarship/Research - 2013
Study of the week, Scholarship/Research - 2013
Ph D, Ghent University, Ghent, Physical Education, Biomechanics, 2010
Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity
Selected Publications
Antonellis, Prokopios, Mohammadzadeh Gonabadi, Arash, Myers, Sara, Iraklis, Pipinos, Malcolm, Philippe. 2022. Metabolically efficient walking assistance using optimized timed forces at the waist FREE VERSION ON:, Science Robotics (IF 24), 7, 24.
Mohammadzadeh Gonabadi, A, Antonellis, Prokopios, Malcolm, Philippe. 2020. Differences between joint-space and musculoskeletal estimations of metabolic rate time profiles., PLoS computational biology (IF 4.428), 16, 10, e1008280.
Jinsoo, Kim, Lee, Giuk, Heimgartner, Roman, Arumukhom Revi, Dheepak, Karavas, Nikos, Ryan, Danielle, Galiana, Ignacio, Eckert-Erdheim, Asa, Murphy, Patrick, Perry, David, Malcolm, Philippe, Walsh, Conor, Malcolm, Philippe. 2019. Reducing the metabolic rate of walking and running with a versatile, portable soft exosuit, Science (IF 47).
Galle, Samuel, Malcolm, Philippe, Collins, Steven, De Clercq, Dirk. 2017. Reducing the metabolic cost of walking with an ankle exoskeleton: interaction between actuation timing and power, Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation (IF 4.5), 14, 1, 35.
Malcolm, Philippe, Galle, Samuel, De Clercq, Dirk. 2017. Fast exoskeleton optimization, Science (IF 47), 356, 6344, 1230–1231.
Externally Funded Research
Collaborative Research: Detecting Gait Phases with Raised Metabolic Cost using Robotic Perturbations and System Identification for Enabling Targeted Rehabilitation Therapy, National Science Foundation, Federal, 06/01/2022 - 05/31/2026
Detection of gait phases with raised oxygen cost that require targeted assistance, NU Collaboration initiative - present
Dynamic Indirect Calorimetry, Nebraska EPSCoR, State Agencies, 04/01/2018 - 03/31/2019
Harnessing Movement Variability to Treat and Prevent Motor Related Disorder, National Institutes of Health, Federal, 09/01/2019 - 07/31/2020
Exoskeleton footwear to improve walking performance and subject-reported preference., Omaha Veterans Administration Medical Center, Federal, 04/01/2020 - 03/31/2021