Yury Salkovskiy
- Assistant Professor
- Biomechanics, Assistant Professor
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General Information
Dr. Yury Salkovskiy joined the Department of Biomechanics as an Assistant Professor in January 2021. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. His research focuses on target-specific design of nanostructured materials for respiratory protection and protective clothing, as well as for biomedical applications, including wound care, cardiovascular devices, tissue engineering, and prosthetics.
Teaching Interests
Mechanics of biomaterials, cardiovascular biomechanics
Research Interests
Cardiovascular biomechanics, nanostructured materials, electrospinning, filtration, semi-permeable membranes
Service Summary
2021-2023 - Committee Member, Student Affairs Committee2023-2025 - Committee Member, CEHHS Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee