Central to program efforts is the collaboration between UNO and the local school districts.
CADRE Teachers are fully licensed first-year teachers hired by the district who complete a fellowship with UNO to earn their master's degree.
- CADRE Associates are veteran teachers selected by their respective districts who provide additional guidance and support for CADRE Teachers in the classroom.
- This Partnership provides the framework for growth and development.
District Participation 2024-2025
District participation varies from year to year.
District | District Contact | Title | Process | ||
Bellevue Public Schools | Dr. Sharra Smith | Executive Director of Personnel | sharra.smith@bpsne.net | Apply for the classroom teacher position of choice. Please indicate in your cover letter you are interested in CADRE and express during the interview. | |
Dr. Nicole Fox | Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Learning | nicole.fox@bpsne.net | |||
Bennington Public Schools | Dr. Aaron Plas | Superintendent | aplas@bennps.org |
Apply for advertised classroom teaching positions here. Please indicate your interest in participating in CADRE in your cover letter and during the interview process. |
Dr. Matt Blomenkamp | Assistant Superintendent of Business Operations and HR | mblomenkamp@bennps.org | |||
Council Bluffs Community Schools | Ms. Julie Foster | Chief of Human Resources | jfoster@cbcsd.org | If interested in CADRE, search for a CADRE position here and apply. | |
Ms. Melissa Chalupnik | Director of Professional Learning | mchalupnik@cbcsd.org | |||
Elkhorn Public Schools | Dr. Don Pechous | Executive Director of Personnel | dpechous@epsne.org |
Ms. Britnie Cox | Director of Personnel | bcox@epsne.org | |||
Glenwood Community Schools | Dr. Chad Lang | Director of School Improvement | langc@glenwoodschools.org | If interested in CADRE, apply here. | |
Millard Public Schools | Dr. Kim Saum Mills | Assistant Superintendent for Leadership Planning and Evaluation | ksaummills@mpsomaha.org | Apply for the classroom teacher position of choice Please indicate in your cover letter you are interested in CADRE and express during the interview. | |
Mr. Mitch Mollring | Director of Personnel | msmollring@mpsomaha.org | |||
Ms. Heidi Penke | Human Resources Recruiter | hrpenke@mpsomaha.org | |||
Omaha Public Schools | Ms. LaTasha Muhammad | Staff Development Coordinator | Latasha.Muhammad@ops.org | Apply for the classroom teacher position of choice. Please indicate in your cover letter you are interested in CADRE and express during the interview. | |
Gregory Betts | Executive Director - Human Resources |
Melissa Orlando | Coordinator - Human Resources | melissa.johnson-orlando@ops.org | |||
Boris Moore | Coordinator - Human Resources | boris.moore@ops.org | |||
Papillion La Vista Community Schools | Dr. Kati Settles | Assistant Superintendent of HR | kati.settles@plcschools.org |
District application: Positions are posted on our district website at plcschools.org, click on job opportunities. Apply here Please complete the online application, and within 48 hours, a link to complete a video screening interview will be emailed to you. |
Dr. Becky Meyers | Director of Elementary Human Resources and Student Services | becky.meyers@plcschools.org |