Tami Williams, Ed.D.
- Department Chair
- Associate Professor
- Educational Leadership, Associate Professor
General Information
Additional Contact Information
To schedule an online meeting directly onto Williams' calendar, please copy and paste the (very long) link ...https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/a05e5a671fb14ef298acf855c84cc29a@unomaha.edu?anonymous&ep=plink OR call 402-554-2721 for help in scheduling a meeting. Dr. Williams' Zoom Room: https://unomaha.zoom.us/my/tamiwilliams
Tami Williams, EdD, is associate professor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha in the educational leadership department. Williams has been an educator for over 20 years with background as a teacher, behavior interventionist, assistant principal, and district administrator in Nebraska where she supervised buildings and led assessment/data innovations. At UNO she has chaired over 20 dissertations and served on nearly 50 committees. She is committed to serving educational leaders in our state and beyond.
Teaching Interests
Program evaluation; Culturally proficient leadership; Leadership identity; School/community relations; and Service learning
Research Interests
Nebraska Education Policy Research Lab; Nebraska trends in education; Nebraska student attendance and relationship to outcomes; Evaluation approaches in education; and Leadership identity
Service Summary
Chapter #0116 of Phi Delta Kappa; PDK Showcase of Teaching; Topics in Education Symposium; Speaker Book Series; and Consultation with local school districts and nonprofits on program evaluation
Awards and Honors
Phi Delta Kappa Emerging Leader Class of 2012-2013, Leadership - 2012
Linda Gehrig Educational Leadership Award, Leadership - 2010
EDD, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska , Educational Administration, 2009
MS, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska, Educational Administration, 2003
BS, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, Mathematics, Education, 1998
Licensures and Certifications
2401 Superintendent PK - 12, Nebraska Department of Education, 06/01/2003 - 08/31/2020
2402 Principal 7 - 12, Nebraska Department of Education, 06/01/2003 - 08/31/2020
1100 Mathematics Teacher 7 - 12, Nebraska Department of Education, 02/01/1999 - 08/31/2020
Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity
Selected Publications
Weichel, Mark, McCann, Blane, Williams, Tamara. 2018. When They Already Know It: How To Extend and Personalize Student Learning in a PLC at Work, Solution Tree.
Gomez Johnson, Kelly, Williams, Tamara, Scott, Matthew. 2020. Administrators as math leaders: Professional learning strategies through change, The Learning Professional, 41, 6.
Williams, Tamara, Cheng, Xiaoyue, Majumder, Mahbubul , Hastings, Matt, Suh, Hongwook, Dash, Kunal, Yeo, Jian. 2020. Collaborative Big Data Review for Educational Impact, School Community Journal, Fall/Winter .
Williams, Tamara. 2017. Culturally Proficient Leadership May Not Be Efficient, Curriculum, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership in Education, 2, 2.
Williams, Tamara. 2020. Critical Thinking for Critical Change .
Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits
Short Fiction, Voices Across Generations Volume One https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/voices-across-generations/1/ - 03/01/2018
Short Fiction, Voices Across Generations: Volume Two https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/voices-across-generations/2/ - 04/01/2019
Media Contributions
TV, Access the Experts, https://youtu.be/oeLDg9T5c-w Access the Experts is an innovative partnership between the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) and News Channel Nebraska (NCN), where viewers submit their questions to be answered by UNO faculty members. This segment answers the question: “What are charter schools and why do people talk about them so much?”, 03/18/2021