General Information
Dr. Dinkel is passionate about promoting movement across the lifespan, beginning at birth. She has a particular interest in exploring how to best promote the development of healthy movement habits in early childhood by working with children and their caregivers. Through the years she has worked with a variety of community programs and organizations encouraging people to be more active. Additionally, due to her expertise in qualitative and mixed method study design, she has collaborated with other researchers to qualitatively assess factors impacting adherence to a variety of health-related protocols and programs.Dr. Dinkel is a member of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, and the International Society of Physical Activity and Health.
Teaching Interests
Implementing Physical Activity in Diverse Populations; Planning Worksite Wellness Program; Motivation for Physical Activity; Women's Health & Issues in Diversity
Research Interests
Evaluation and promotion of movement beginning in infancy; Physical activity promotion in girls; Promotion of movement in early childhood settings; Evaluation of physical activity within childhood obesity programs;Community-based initiatives for improving health; Qualitatively examining factor influencing adherence to health-promotion programs/protocols; Exploring the impact of movement on other developmental outcomes (e.g., motor, cognitive skill development)
Service Summary
UNO Biomechanics & Kinesiology Doctoral Committee; UNMC Institutional Review Board; UNO Graduate Council; Executive Graduate Council
BS, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, NE, Business Administration/Park & Recreation Management, 2005
MS, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE, Physical Activity in Health Promotion, 2010
Ph D, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research
Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity
Selected Publications
Dinkel, Danae, Lu, Kelsey, John, Jemima, Snyder, Kailey, Jacobsen, Lisette. A cross-sectional examination of physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep between adults with and without children in the home using NHANES, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 18, 4, 391-399.
Dinkel, Danae, Snyder, Kailey, Kyvelidou, Natasa, Molfese, Victoria. 2017. He just likes to sit: Mothers’ perceptions of infant obesity and physical activity, BMC Public Health, 17, 585.
Dinkel, Danae, Caspari, Jennifer, Fok, Notice, Maxine, Johnson, David, Watanabe-Galloway, Shinobu, Emerson, Margaret. 2021. A qualitative exploration of the feasibility of integrating mental health apps into integrated primary care clinics, Translational Behavioral Medicine, 11, 9, 1708-1716.
Dinkel, Danae, Rech, John, Snyder, Kailey. 2021. Exploring parents’ provision of factors related to the establishment of physical activity between normal weight and overweight infants, Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 26, 3, e12315.
Dinkel, Danae, Rech, Guo, Yage, Bice, Matthew, Hulse, Emily, Behrends, Donnia, Burger, Christy, Dev, Dipti. 2021. Examining differences in achievement of physical activity best practices between urban and rural child care facilities by age, Early Childhood Education Journal, 18, 4, 391-399.
Department, College, and University
Biomechanics & Kinesiology Doctoral Program Committee, Committee Chair, 07/20/2016 - present
Institutional Review Board, Committee Member, Serve as member of the IRB, attend meetings, review protocols, and vote on IRB protocols., 03/03/2016 - present