College of Education Alumni Honored with Education Awards
- published: 2020/05/28
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Alice Buffett Outstanding Teachers
Eight alumni of the College of Education were recipients of 2020 Alice Buffett Outstanding Teacher Awards. The award is given annually to 15 Omaha Public Schools (OPS) teachers who demonstrate exceptional dedication to their students and classrooms.
Ranae Duncan
BS '09
Journalism teacher at Bryan High School
10 years with OPS
Diane Eubanks
BS '88 & MS '96
English/language arts teacher at Buffett Middle School
31 years with OPS
LaJoy Green
BS '06 & MS '12
Guidance counselor at North High School
9 years with OPS
Kristy Lee
BS '03
Math teacher at Marrs Middle School
15 years with OPS
Deborah Merrill
BS '00 & MS '13
Kindergarten teacher at Adams Elementary School
20 years with OPS
Rod Mullen
BS '98
Social studies teacher at Central High School
20 years with OPS
Anthony Razor
BS '08
Social studies teacher at Burke High School
11 years with OPS
Nick Wennstedt
BS '06
Social studies teacher at Bryan High School
14 years with OPS
Millard Public Schools Foundation 2020 Awards of Excellence
Caryl & Katherine Brown Award for Excellence in High School Teaching
Sabrina Denney Bull
BS '01
Millard North High School