Dr. Julie Delkamiller
- Special Education & Communication Disorders, Associate Professor
General Information
Dr. Julie Delkamiller is currently an associate professor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha training individuals to be teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing and/or sign language interpreters. She holds a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership, a master's degree in Learning Disabilities and a bachelor's degree in Deaf Education/Social Sciences. In addition, Dr. Delkamiller holds national certification in sign language interpreting through the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Julie has always had a desire to work with individuals on the margins of society and strongly believes that education is the foundational necessity in which to impact change. Being involved in preparing the next generation of teachers is a passion of hers both in the United States and in Nicaragua. The importance of educating the "whole person" permeates every area of Julie's personal and professional life.
Teaching Interests
Professionalism and Ethics of InterpretingCognitive Processing in ASL and English Comparative Linguistics between ASL and EnglishAcademic InterpretingSign-to-VoiceInterpreting in Specialized SettingsDiscourse AnalysisVoice-to-SignTeaching Subject Content for Deaf and Hard of HearingTeaching/Interpreting Language for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Research Interests
Scholarship of Teaching and LearningDeaf Education and Mental HealthImpact of Educational Interpreters on D/HHSocial/Emotional Development for Deaf/Hard of HearingDeaf Education in NicaraguaDeliberate Practice ASL/English Interpreting
Service Summary
Advocacy Network for Nicaraguan Deaf EducationAllies for Sign Language, UNO student groupAssociation of College Educators for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing (ACE-D/HH)President, ACE-D/HHSecretary, Bilingual Education SIG, ACE-D/HHNebraska Deaf-Blind Project Advisory BoardNebraska Commission for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing CommitteesReviewer for Global Education ReviewSpecial Education Advisory Council: Deaf/Hard of HearingThe Circle Theatre Executive Board