Professor Philip D. Nordness
- Special Education & Communication Disorders, Distinguished Professor
General Information
Spent four years teaching children with emotional and behavioral disorders in Minnesota before getting a Ph.D. in special education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Teaching Interests
Emotional and Behavioral DisordersBehavior Modification
Research Interests
My current research is focused on addressing the shortage of special education teachers and interdisciplinary collaborations to meet the mental health and behavioral needs of children at-risk of school failure. On-going collaborations with Siauliai University in Lithuania and the University of Eastern Finland.
Awards and Honors
Peter Kiewit Distinguished Professor, Leadership - 2021
Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity
Selected Publications
Nordness, Philip, Hagaman, Jessica, Herskovitz, Rebecca, Leader Janssen, Elizabeth. 2019. POWER UP: A Persuasive Writing Strategy for Secondary Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Journal of Education and Learning, 8, 4, 32-42.
Leader Janssen, Elizabeth, Nordness, Philip, Swain, Kristine, Hagaman, Jessica. 2016. Students’ Perceptions of an Online Graduate Program in Special Education for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Teacher Education and Special Education, 39, 4, 246-258.
Externally Funded Research
Interdisciplinary Personnel Preparation in Systemic Behavioral Intervention to Serve School-Age Children with Significant Behavioral Concerns, U.S. Department of Education, Federal, 11/01/2020 - 10/31/2021