The College of Education, health, and Human Sciences strives to provide teacher candidates and graduate practicum students a variety of options for clinical practice and graduate practicum assignments. School sites include public, private, and parochial schools approved by the appropriate State Department of Education, the US Department of State, or the US Department of Defense.
While preferences are not guaranteed, teacher candidates and graduate students will have the opportunity to express a preference to be assigned to a school district or organization within one of three geographic areas referred to as Tiers.
The Tiers are based on the distance between the UNO main campus and the central administration office of the school district or organization.

Tier One includes sites located within a 25-mile radius of UNO. Within Tier One, teacher candidates and graduate students are responsible for the tuition and fees associated with the experience.
The public school districts in Tier 1 include:
- Bellevue
- Bennington
- Blair
- Douglas County West
- Elkhorn
- Fort Calhoun
- Gretna
- Louisville
- Millard
- Omaha
- Papillion La-Vista
- Plattsmouth
- Ralston
- South Sarpy
- Westside
- Yutan
- Council Bluffs
- Lewis Central
- Treynor
Out of Area: Tier 2
Tier 2 includes sites located within a 26 to 50-mile radius of UNO. Within Tier 2, teacher candidates and graduate students are responsible for:
- tuition and fees associated with the experience
- mileage expenses incurred by the university supervisor.*
All payments for mileage will be made to the College and must be received prior to the beginning of the experience.
The public school districts in Tier 2 include:
- Arlington
- Ashland-Greenwood
- Cedar Bluffs
- Conestoga
- Elmwood-Murdock
- Fremont
- Loganview
- Mead
- Wahoo
- Waverly
- Weeping Water
- Glenwood
- Logan-Magnolia
- Malvern
- Missouri Valley
- Nishna Valley
- Riverside
- Tri-Center
- Underwood
- West Harrison
- Woodbine
Out of Area: Tier 3
Tier 3 includes sites greater than 50 miles from UNO. The college approves Tier 3 assignments only in extreme circumstances and after careful consideration. Tier 3 sites require the college to contract supervision to someone who is not a faculty member (full-time or adjunct) of UNO. Because the college believes capstone experiences such as clinical practice and graduate practicums are optimized when individuals who have a strong understanding and direct connection with its programs provide supervision and support, Tier 3 assignments are rare.
Teacher candidates and graduate students who believe their situation warrants a Tier Three assignment must contact the Office of Field Experiences. Questions should be directed to the Coordinator of Field Experiences (204 Roskens Hall) prior to the corresponding clinical practice or practicum application deadline.
Candidates seeking a Tier Three assignment should be prepared to share the following documentation:
- a completed appeal form
- a letter from the teacher candidate or graduate student stating the reason for a Tier Three request
- a letter of support from a professional who can attest to the need for a Tier Three assignment (e.g. a spouse’s employer, military superior officer, or physician).
If a Tier 3 assignment is approved, the teacher candidate or graduate student will meet with the Coordinator of Field Experiences to discuss specific Tier 3 arrangements. Teacher candidates and graduate students should not solicit Tier 3 assignments prior to meeting with the Coordinator of Field Experiences.
If a Tier 3 assignment is approved and can be secured, the teacher candidate or graduate student is responsible for expenses related to the assignment including:
- tuition and fees associated with the experience
- required payment to the cooperating teacher or clinician
- required payment to the university supervisor
- payment of mileage costs incurred by the university supervisor*
All payments for supervision and mileage will be made to the College and must be received prior to the beginning of the experience.
*Mileage expenses will be estimated based on the current, federally approved rate for mileage reimbursement.