- Academic amnesty
- Application for degree
- Background checks
- Change of grades
- Clinical practice policies
- Correspondence credit/credit by exam
- Grade point average
- Overload appeal guidelines
- Professional dispositions statement
- Program progress
- Repeat courses
- Rule 21
- Transfer policies
- UNO catalog
- Wait list for closed classes
Academic Amnesty
Academic Amnesty provides relief from a poor academic record acquired within the University of Nebraska system by excluding substandard coursework with a final grade of “D” or “F” from a student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) calculation. Academic Amnesty will not remove course(s) or grade(s) from the transcript but once granted, will not count as part of the overall GPA.
To be eligible for Academic Amnesty, students must:
- Have been out of the Nebraska system for at least one calendar year (12-month period).
- Have substandard coursework (“F” or “D” grades) earned within the University of Nebraska system (UNO, UNL, UNK, UNMC) prior to the year out (substandard grades earned after the year out will not be included in the Academic Amnesty contract).
- Be admitted as a degree-seeking student at UNO.
Amnesty Requirements
- Academic Amnesty will begin with the first course(s) taken upon return to UNO.
- Students may apply for Academic Amnesty at any time after taking the one-year break.
- After returning from the one-year break, demonstrate academic success in new UNO coursework.
Academic success may be demonstrated by one of the following:- Completing at least 12 semester hours (simultaneous or sequential) with a minimum of 3.0 cumulative GPA,
- Completing at least 24 semester hours (simultaneous or sequential) with a minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA.
- Students must maintain continuous enrollment (at least six (6) semester hours completed within any 12-month period).
- Students will work with their academic advisor to select the coursework to be amnestied.
- Students must inform an academic advisor when the Academic Amnesty requirements are met.
- All amnestied coursework will remain on the student’s academic record (transcript); however, the courses will not be included in calculation of the student’s grade point average. Courses will be annotated “Academic Amnesty Excluded from GPA” on the transcript.
- Once Academic Amnesty is granted, students will not be eligible for honors at graduation. Students are still eligible for Dean’s List and Chancellor’s List honors.
- While demonstrating academic success, no changes are made to the student’s academic record. If a student’s cumulative GPA is still below standard, the students will continue to be reported as “continued on probation.” Should the student revert to substandard academic performance while working on Academic Amnesty, the student can still be suspended. Academic Amnesty is intended to provide relief from the past without providing immunity from future substandard academic performance.
- Students must still meet all university and college requirements to graduate.
Application for Degree
All students graduating from UNO must file an “Application for Degree” with the Office of the University Registrar and pay the required fee at the beginning of the semester in which they will graduate and not later than the date listed in the Academic Calendar. Failure to file for the degree by this deadline may postpone a student’s graduation date.
Background Checks
All students accepted into the educator preparation program must complete a background check. The background check must be conducted in the time frame and by the vendor determined by the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences. Another background check is required prior to Clinical Practice and Graduate Practicums. The student is responsible for the cost of the background check.
Change of Grades
For a general education course offered by the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences, any student may repeat this course.
A College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences student in an educator preparation program, non-certification concentration, Library Science, Communication Disorders or Sign Language Interpreting concentration who receives a grade below “C“ or a “W” (Withdraw) in any undergraduate course with a department prefix of BMCH, CDIS, COUN, HEKI, KINS, PHHB, SPED, or TED may re-enroll in that course for one additional time for a total of two attempts. For exceptions to this rule, please review program-specific requirements.
A College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences student in Biomechanics, Kinesiology, or Public Health who receives a grade below “C-“ or a “W” (Withdraw) in any undergraduate course with a department prefix of BMCH, CDIS, COUN, HEKI, KINS, PHHB, SPED, or TED may re-enroll in that course for one additional time for a total of two attempts. For exceptions to this rule, please review program-specific requirements.
A candidate who is removed from, withdraws from, or receives a grade of "I" in field, internship, clinical, practicum, or clinical practice experience, regardless of reason, must appeal to the Academic Review Committee (ARC) to be allowed to repeat the experience. If the appeal is granted, the candidate must reapply for a placement. A candidate may repeat such experiences only once
See also “Completion of Incomplete Grade” for additional information.
Clinical Practice Policies
- All candidates will be required to complete one semester of full-day clinical practice for a total of 12 credit hours.
- Application for clinical practice must be made during the fall or spring term preceding the semester of clinical practice. Admission to clinical practice is by application only. Applicants cannot be considered for placement unless all application materials are returned by September 15 for spring clinical practice and February 1 for fall clinical practice.
- Candidates must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.75 in order to be eligible for clinical practice.
- A grade of "C" or better is required in those courses listed on the candidate's program of study as professional education courses, teaching area courses for secondary candidates, and specialization courses for elementary candidates.
- Candidates must have completed all of their coursework prior to clinical practice.
- Elementary teacher candidates completing a dual endorsement with special education will be required to complete one semester of clinical practice at the elementary level before applying for special education clinical practice. All secondary education candidates who are earning an endorsement in a content area and special education will be required to complete one semester of clinical practice in their content area before applying for clinical practice in special education. Each semester will be an all-day, all-semester experience. Elementary and secondary candidates doing only special education will complete one semester of clinical practice. All elementary and secondary education teacher candidates receiving an endorsement in school library will complete two semesters of clinical practice, one semester either in the elementary setting or secondary subject area and one in school library. Each semester will be an all-day experience.
- Grades of "D," "F" and "I" must be removed prior to clinical practice in all coursework listed on the candidate's program of study as professional education, teaching areas for secondary candidates, and specialization areas for elementary candidates. Candidates receiving "D's," "F's, and "I's" are responsible for contacting the advising office upon receiving said grades if they are planning on clinical practice the following semester.
- Clinical practice candidates who are withdrawn from any clinical practice placement, or who voluntarily withdraw after being identified as a candidate in jeopardy, must petition the Academic Review Committee if they wish to continue their professional preparation program.
Correspondence Credit/Credit by Exam
An individual may count toward graduation no more than 15 hours of credit taken by correspondence, television, and/or extension. CEHHS will accept toward a degree program those courses for which credit by examination is given (up to 30 hours) and recommended by the respective departments within the colleges of the University. Up to eight credit hours of elective credit may be allowed for military service.
Grade Point Average
The minimum cumulate grade point average for the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences is 2.5. In an attempt to assure consistency in the determination of eligibility for professional education courses, the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences requires the computation of grade point average be based on all coursework attempted. Transfer students with 12 or more credit hours in the Nebraska System (UNL, UNK, UNO) must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 for all attempted coursework taken in the NU System. Transfer students with credit hours from institutions other than the NU System must have a minimum combined cumulative GPA of 2.5 on all attempted coursework. Once 12 credits or more are completed in the NU system, the NU system GPA will be used for admission.
Each individual for the Bachelor of Science in Education degree or certification must attain a minimum grade of "C" or better, in each professional education course. In addition, individuals who expect to graduate must present a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75. Transfer students with 12 or more credit hours in the Nebraska System (UNL, UNK, UNO) must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 for all attempted coursework taken in the NU System. Transfer students with credit hours from institutions other than the NU System must have a minimum combined cumulative GPA of 2.75 on all attempted coursework. Once 12 credits or more are completed in the NU system, the NU system GPA will be used for admission. Individuals with more than 12 credit hours of credit whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.75 for two consecutive semesters will be prevented from progressing in the COE Educator preparation program.
Students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.5 for two consecutive semesters will be disenrolled from the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences. If a student's GPA falls below 2.5, he/she will be given one semester of probation to raise his/her grade point average. Disenrollment will occur at the end of any probationary semester during which the minimum GPA requirement is not attained. Students may not take any professional education courses during the period of disenrollment. Courses in CEHHS which are taken during this period will not be counted toward graduation or certification.
Overload Appeal Guidelines
Student appeals to take overload hours in any semester must be directed to the Associate Dean of the college. The appeal request may be submitted in writing or via UNO e-mail address. The appeal request must contain the following information.
- Student name.
- Semester for which the overload is requested.
- List of all courses (arranged by course number, title, and number of credit hours) to be taken in that semester.
- Current, cumulative GPA.
- Reasons for requesting the overload.
Please note:
This is a formal process. Appropriate language and “business letter” format should be used in the appeal.
Failure to provide the required information will delay the process and may jeopardize your ability to enroll in desired courses.
All responses will be sent through your UNO e-mail address.
- Dr. Jason Coleman, Associate Dean
- jdcoleman@unomaha.edu
- Roskens Hall 211
Professional Dispositions Statement
Teaching is a profession that requires its potential candidates to be individuals of integrity. Prospective teachers must be able to demonstrate that they are individuals of strong moral character who can make mature decisions for themselves and for the students whom they will teach. Teachers are responsible for the education, safety, and well-being of anyone in their charge. The University of Nebraska at Omaha College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences prepare future teachers who show a high degree of moral character and the ability to act responsibly inside and outside the classroom. These individuals must be able to serve as representatives of the College and the University, and must demonstrate the personal and professional dispositions of the teaching profession.
Inappropriate behaviors on the part of candidates, which in the College’s reasonable judgment, violate the University’s Student Code of Conduct, establish a lack of integrity or moral/ethical character, or demonstrate conduct and patterns of behavior inconsistent with the personal and professional dispositions expected in the teaching profession, shall be sufficient grounds for 1) denial of admission to or enrollment in educator preparation programs and 2) dismissal or removal from programs, courses, observations, field experiences, practica, clinical practice, and similar field-based experiences and 3) withholding institutional recommendation for certification. Such behaviors could be evidenced within the University or PK-12 school environment, outside the University or PK-12 school environment, and/or in an electronic or digital context. Displays or patterns of behaviors may be established by any credible means including, but not limited to, the facts surrounding a record of arrests or convictions or information obtained by the University directly from a school or district official. Teacher candidates should note that the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences must provide a recommendation for certification in order for a student to obtain his/her teaching certificate. Accordingly, inappropriate behaviors by candidates could jeopardize not only their educational goals at UNO but also their professional goals including the ability to become a certified teacher.
Candidates who exhibit inappropriate behaviors may be referred for a Conference of Concern to formally identify the unsuitable behaviors, recommend corrective action(s), and determine the candidate’s suitability for continuing in educator preparation. Candidates who have convictions outlined in the Nebraska Department of Education's Rule 20, Section 005.07A, will be allowed to continue in the educator preparation program or referred for certification only through an appeal to the Commissioner or State Board of Education.
Program Progress
Individuals are expected to progress steadily toward the degree. Majors enrolled in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences will complete work for the degree according to the requirements of the catalog of the year in which they entered the College. For interruptions in enrollment of more than one semester, individuals will be held to the requirements of the catalog of the year when they re-enter the College.
Repeat Courses
A College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences student who receives a grade below “C”, an “I” (Incomplete), or a “W” (Withdraw) in any undergraduate course with a department prefix of HPER, PE, RLS, SPED, or TED may re-enroll in that course for one additional time for a total of two attempts.
Special Note: A candidate who is removed from or withdraws from any field, practicum, or clinical practice experience, regardless of reason for the removal/withdrawal, must appeal to be allowed to repeat the experience. If the appeal is granted, the candidate must reapply for a placement. A candidate may repeat such experiences only once.
Rule 21
The Nebraska Department of Education Rule 21 contains regulations for the issuance of certificates and permits to teach, provide special services, and administer in Nebraska schools.
Transfer Policies
The UNO Admissions Office determines the acceptance of transfer credits from other institutions of higher education. Application of such credits toward a degree program is the responsibility of the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences. Official college transcripts from the Registrar's Office of each previous college or university attended (whether credit was earned or not) must be sent to the UNO Office of Admissions. Hand-carried or student-submitted transcripts are not acceptable.
Students may transfer to the College from other institutions by completing the application deadlines and meeting the minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5.
Acceptance of credits by the College of Education does not ensure their application to a particular program or endorsement. Determination of applicability is the responsibility of the specific department/school. Specifically, only credits earned at accredited institutions will be accepted by the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences. Course work from "C" accredited institutions will be accepted after 30 credit hours are completed satisfactorily at UNO.
Current UNO students wishing to transfer to the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences for teaching or speech-language pathology majors must have a 2.5 NU system GPA. Once these two requirements have been satisfied the student may change their undergraduate academic program to the College of Education. For more information about this policy please contact the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences' Office of Academic Advising and Field Experiences by calling 402.554.2717.
Professional education courses will be accepted only from institutions which are accredited for teacher education by the state and/or regional accrediting agency. Education courses will not be accepted from community colleges or other two-year institutions unless an articulation agreement is in place or approved by the department.
Individuals (with degrees in education) transferring to the College of Education for certification only must successfully complete all program requirements prior to clinical practice. (The program coursework for any endorsement must total a minimum of 12 hours, six of which are in the major area.)
Initial evaluation of transfer credits is completed by the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences Advising Office. Final responsibility for approval of transfer credits toward a degree program lies with the specific department.
UNO Catalog
It is the responsibility of each student admitted to the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences to become familiar with the procedures and regulations of the undergraduate catalog. A student enrolled in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences may complete his/her work for the degree according to the requirements of the catalog of the year in which he/she entered the College.
Wait Listed for Closed Classes
The College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences, in an effort to better serve students, has developed a wait list policy for closed classes in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences. The wait list system operates entirely on the basis of “need”. Need is defined as: Students who must have the course/courses listed above in order to complete clinical practice and/or graduate the following semester. Students believing they have “need” for a particular course should submit their request electronically for TED and SPED courses for the appropriate semester on the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences website.
For BMCH, PE and HED classes offered through the School of Health and Kinesiology or Biomechanics, please submit a waitlist request via the School of Health and Kinesiology's Academic Advising page. Students’ files are carefully examined to determine if “need” is present. When warranted, students will be given permission to take these courses. It is important to note that “need” will guarantee a student enrollment in courses but not a specific section at a specific time in their class schedule.