Kyle Reestman, M.S.
- Instructor
- Director, Computer Science Learning Center
- Computer Science
office phone:
office hours:
TR 1:00 pm-2:00 pm, via Zoom
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General Information
Teaching Interests
Introductory Programming, Object Oriented Programming, C
Research Interests
Computer Science Education (including for students whose first language is not English), TA and Tutor Training
BS, University of Nebraska Omaha, Omaha, NE, Computer Science, Concentration in Game Programming, 2015
MS, University of Nebraska Omaha, Omaha, NE, Computer Science, Software Engineering, 2019
Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity
Selected Publications
Reestman, Kyle, Dorn, Brian. 2019. Native Language’s Effect on Java Compiler Errors, Association for Computing Machinery (ICER), ICER ’19, 249-257.