Call for Doctoral Consortium Details
On behalf of the ISCRAM 2023 Conference Committee, we take great pleasure in inviting you to submit a doctoral consortium application. We hope to welcome you to the Annual ISCRAM 2023 conference in Omaha, NE (USA) with an innovative and interesting doctoral consortium.
Following the ISCRAM tradition, the Doctoral Colloquium will take place prior to the main conference on Sunday May 28, 2023. The colloquium is dedicated to doctoral students seeking careers as researchers in public, private and academic organizations with research interests in crisis management. The colloquium is also open to undergraduates.
The goals of the ISCRAM 2023 Doctoral Colloquium are three-fold:
- To develop and sustain a network of young scholars conducting high quality research in the area of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management.
- To support the next generation of crisis management researchers by addressing issues relevant to the progression of a research career, such as communication skills (both verbal and written).
- To allow participants to discuss their research with leading specialists, scholars, and peers in an international setting.
Each student will be assigned a mentor who will critique and offer constructive feedback on the student’s research. Students will also present their work to the group with substantial time allowed for discussion and questions by the colloquium chairs, mentors, and other students. One focus of the colloquium will be to provide opportunities for peer-to-peer review and mentoring in an effort to learn from others and build a community of scholars. Our goal is to help students further develop their research designs, results, and analyses such that they can produce high-quality research, theses, and publications.
The aim of the colloquium is to assist PhD candidates with their research. However, Masters students, and in some cases, Undergraduate students, are also encouraged to apply. All participants must submit a CV and research description to be considered for the colloquium.
The participation in the ISCRAM Doctoral Colloquium is free, and lunch and refreshments are included. However, participants in the Doctoral Colloquium must register for the main conference (a student rate is available).
How to Apply
To apply, candidates should submit a single file by March, 23rd, 2023 to the Doctoral Colloquium chairs ( The file should include the following:
- A short CV, no more than two pages, as a PDF file.
- Research description (6-page max, excluding references): Use the ISCRAM paper template and include the following:
- Your name, Advisor(s) name(s), and the university where you are conducting your doctoral work.
- Current year of study and projected completion date
- The background and motivation for your research, including the key related work that frames your research
- Specific research objectives, goals, or questions; try to explain how your work differs from related work
- Research approach, methods and rationale
- Results and contributions to date
- Expected next steps, as well as open questions and challenges that you face in your research
- Dissertation status and long term goals
Those accepted for the colloquium will be notified by March 30, 2023. This will allow successful applicants time to apply for visas and make travel arrangements, where necessary.
If you have any questions, please email the organizers at the above address. Accepted participants will also be asked to prepare an extended abstract (500 word max) that will appear in the conference proceedings.
The colloquium will be co-chaired by Dr. Amanda Hughes and Dr. Zeno Franco. In addition, several experienced ISCRAM researchers will join the colloquium as research mentors. Their names will be posted closer to the time of the colloquium.