Research in Information Technology for Development involves the assessment of how innovative applications of technology lead to improvements in the lives of people.
Research in this area considers ways in which these applications bring about improvements through better education, healthcare, water and land resources and government services. Often small technology interventions in small businesses can improve their ability to grow. A selection of publications in this program are listed below:
Information Technology for Development: Health Care
Information Technology for Development: Micro Enterprises and Small Businesses
Information Technology for Development
List of Publications
Information Technology for Development: Health Care
Qureshi, S. and Oladokun, B., et al., 2024. Human Freedom from Algorithmic Bias: What is the role of Accountability in addressing Health Disparities? Medical Research Archives, [online] 12(8).
Qureshi, S., Oladokun, B. E., & Nadendla, K. (2024). Human Freedom from Algorithmic Bias: Is there Accountability with Digital Inclusion and Mobile Health?. AMCIS 2024 Proceedings. 9.
Qureshi, S., Oladokun, B. E., & Nadendla, K. (2024). Digital Innovations for Development: Design of Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Health. AMCIS 2024 Proceedings. 10.
Qureshi, S., Oladokun, B., Tekale, K., & Nadendla, K. (2024, May). Digital Inclusion and Human Development: Is Digital Inclusion a Social Determinant of Health that Matters?. In International Conference on Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development (pp. 46-57). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Sajda Qureshi (2023) Cycles of development in systems of survival with artificial intelligence: a formative research agenda, Information Technology for Development, 29:2-3, 171 183,
Qureshi, S. (2023). Digital transformation for development: a human capital key or system of oppression?. Information Technology for Development, 29(4), 423-434.
Qureshi, S. (2022). Creating cycles of prosperity with human digital development for intelligent global health. Information Technology for Development, 28(4), 649-659.
Qureshi, S. (2022). Harnessing knowledge networking for Global Capability Sourcing: the development imperative. Information Technology for Development, 28(1), 1-15.
Qureshi, S. (2022). Digital transformation at the margins: a battle for the soul of self-sovereignty. Information Technology for Development, 28(2), 215-229.
Qureshi, S., Clarke, M., & Kiemde, L. (2022). A Global Health Analysis of Socio-Economic Determinants of Health, and Human Digital Development, Health Equity and mHealth.
Noteboom, C and S.Qureshi, (2013). “How Can Physicians' Knowledge be Activated to Provide Better Healthcare? Explaining Electronic Health Record Adaptation by Physicians”. 46th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'12), 2013.
Noteboom, C., D..Bastola, and S.Qureshi,(2012). “Cycles of Electronic Health Records Adaptation by Physicians: How Do the Positive and Negative Experiences with the EHR System Affect Physicians' E.H.R. Adaptation Process? 45th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'12), 2012. Nominated for Best Paper Award.
Noteboom, C. and S. Qureshi,(2011). “Physician Interaction with Electronic Health Records: The Influences on Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants”. 44rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'11), 2011.
Qureshi, S. (2020). Outrage and anger in a global pandemic: flipping the script on healthcare. Information Technology for Development, 26(3), 445-457.
Information Technology for Development: Micro Enterprises and Small Businesses
Qureshi, S., & Xiong, J. (2017). Understanding the role of technology in the development of micro-enterprises: Concepts to study in making a better world.
Qureshi, S. (2014). Theory to Inform Practice to Build Theory: Are Emerging Economies in a Cyclical Relationship with their Information and Communication Technologies?. Information Technology for Development,20(4), 293-295.
Qureshi, S. (2014). Overcoming Technological Determinism in Understanding the Digital Divide: Where Do We Go From Here?. Information Technology for Development, 20(3), 215-217.
Qureshi, S. (2014). Lessons from the Age of Nelson Mandela: Information and Communication Technology in the Quest for Equality, Freedom and Justice. Information Technology for Development, 20(1), 1-5.
Noteboom, C. B., Motorny, S. P., Qureshi, S., & Sarnikar, S. (2014, January). Meaningful use of electronic health records for physician collaboration: A patient centered health care perspective. In 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 656-666). IEEE.
Qureshi, S. (2013). In the Age of Popular Uprisings, what is the Role of Public Access Computing and Social Media on Development?. Information Technology for Development, 19(4), 267-270.
Qureshi, S. (2013). Information and Communication Technologies in the Midst of Global Change: How do we Know When Development Takes Place?. Information Technology for Development, 19(3), 189-192.
Qureshi, S. (2013). Networks of change, shifting power from institutions to people: How are innovations in the use of Information and Communication Technology Transforming Development? Information Technology for Development, 19(2), 97–99.
Qureshi, S.(2013). “What is the role of mobile phones in bringing about growth” Information Technology for Development. Vol. 19, Iss. 1, 2013.
Xiong, J., Qureshi, S., & Najjar, L. (2013). Factors that affect information and communication technology adoption by small businesses in China.
Qureshi, S. (2012). As the Global Digital Divide Narrows, who is being left behind? Information Technology for Development, 18(4), 277–280. .
Xiong, J. J., & Qureshi, S. (2012). Analysis of Information and communications technology adoption between ... Retrieved September 21, 2022, from
Qureshi, S.(2012). “Discovering development from information technologies: does open access to technology improve the lives of people?” Information Technology for Development. Vol. 18, Iss. 3, 2012.
Qureshi, S. (2011). Globalization in development: Do Information and Communication Technologies really matter? Information Technology for Development, 17(4), 249–252.
Qureshi, S. (2011). “Information technology for development in expanding capabilities.” Information Technology for Development 17(2), pages 91-94.
Qureshi, S. (2010). Driving development through innovations in Information Technology and its applications. Information Technology for Development, 16(4), 241–243.
Qureshi, S.(2010). “Information Technology for Development Research: Are we Investigating New Phenomena or Well Known Facts?” Information Technology for Development 16(2), pp.93 – 95, 2010.
Qureshi, S.(2010). Extending Human Capabilities through Information Technology Applications and Infrastructures. Information Technology for Development, 16(1) pp. 235-236, 2010
Qureshi, S. (2009). Assessment of the social factors in information and communication technology access and use. Information Technology for Development, 15(4), 235–236.
Qureshi, S.(2009). “Social and Economic Perspectives on the role of Information and Communication Technology on Development.” Journal of Information Technology for Development. Vol 15, No 1. 2009.
Information Technology for Development
Qureshi, S. (2019). Climate change adaptation for sustainable development: The information and communication technology (ICT) paradox. Information Technology for Development, 25(4), 625-629.
Qureshi, S., & Najjar, L. (2017). Information and communications technology use and income growth: Evidence of the multiplier effect in very small island states. Information Technology for Development, 23(2), 212-234.
Qureshi, S. (2017). The forgotten awaken: ICT’s evolving role in the roots of mass discontent. Information technology for development, 23(1), 1-17.
Qureshi, S. (2013). Information and Communication Technologies in the Midst of Global Change: How do we Know When Development Takes Place?. Information Technology for Development, 19(3), 189-192.
Qureshi, S. (2014). Overcoming Technological Determinism in Understanding the Digital Divide: Where Do We Go From Here?. Information Technology for Development, 20(3), 215-217.
Qureshi, S.(2013). “Networks of change, shifting power from institutions to people: How are innovations in the use of Information and Communication Technology transforming Development?” Information Technology for Development. Vol. 19, Iss. 2, 2013.
Qureshi, S.(2012). “As the global digital divide narrows, who is being left behind?” Information Technology for Development. Vol. 18, Iss. 4, 2012.
Qureshi, S.(2011). “Globalization in development: do information and communication technologies really matter?”. Information Technology for Development, 17(4), pp 249-252, 2011
Qureshi, S.(2010). “Driving Development through Innovations in Information Technology and its Applications” Information Technology for Development 16(4), pp.93 – 95, 2010.
Qureshi, S.(2009). Assessment of the social factors in information and communication technology access and use. Information Technology for Development, 15(4) pp. 235-236, 2009.