December 2016 News Release Archive
IS&T Capstone Class Develops ‘Asset Management System’ for the Omaha Fire Department
December 14, 2016Graduate students from the Master of Science in Management Information Systems program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, hosted presentation of the Asset Management System that was developed for the Omaha Fire Department (OFD) on December 12th.
UNO Joins UNL, UNMC on $13.75 Million Grant
December 13, 2016IS&T faculty will contribute to a five-year, $13.75 million grant to create a new center focused on transportation safety in the Midwest.
Alumni Highlight: Stephan Schaeper
December 13, 2016As part of our 20th anniversary, we're highlighting members of the IS&T community. Stephan studied abroad at IS&T from Austria, and wanted to share his unique perspective on UNO!
Round Table: The Million Dollar Idea, unexpected failures, and re-learning the meaning of innovation
December 13, 2016As part of our 20th anniversary, we're highlighting members of the IS&T community. Stephan studied abroad at IS&T from Austria, and wanted to share his unique perspective on UNO!
IS&T Celebrates Computer Science Education Week 2016
November 15, 2016IS&T celebrates Computer Science Education Week every year! Check out our annual IT career fair, Computer Science Quiz Bowl, and other events we have for UNO and the greater Omaha community.