CodeCrush Summit: 2017
Maybe you’re a girl in high school, who’s really interested in technology. Or perhaps you’re working in IT and want to learn more about how to diversify the workforce. Or, maybe you’re an educator and want to know how you can encourage more girls to pursue IT. Sound like you? Then, the Summit was made just for you.
- date: 07/25/17 - 07/26/17
- time: 6:00 PM - 5:00 PM
- contact: Amanda Rucker •
- search keywords:
- CodeCrush

The CodeCrush Summit is a yearly gathering of individuals championing for diversity in the tech workforce. You'll get to enjoy a day and a half of celebrating our amazing community and finding inspiration.
Are you a high school girl or teacher? It's free! All you have to do is register - it's first come, first served. Member of the Omaha community? It's just $55 to attend, or you can check out our sponsorship opportunities.
The way we're communicating is changing, and a big part of that is because of the work our CodeCrush keynote speakers. Erika Joy Baker is a senior developer at Slack, and an advocate of diversity in the tech landscape. She'll be joined by fellow Project Interclude member Laura Gómez, formerly from Twitter, and now runs Atipica. Come hear both of them this summer at the CodeCrush Summit! We're excited to hold this year's Summit at the KANEKO 1(111 Jones St.), an inspiring place that will get your creative thoughts flowing.
We hope to see you there!
Find out more information and register here.
In middle or high school and looking to learn even more this summer? Check out our summer camp Techademy!