General Information
Sam Clinkinbeard, PhD, is Assistant Dean in the College of Public Affairs & Community Service (CPACS) and a Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Currently, her research is focused on women in policing, including the presence of masculinity and issues surrounding recruitment and retention. Much of her previous research has focused on motivation, self-control, and health as related to delinquency and risky behavior. She was awarded honorable mention by ASC’s Division of Women and Crime for the best Article of the Year in Feminist Criminology for 2017. Dr. Clinkinbeard’s work appears in Criminal Justice & Behavior, Feminist Criminology, Journal of Criminal Justice, Journal of Youth & Adolescence, Youth & Society, and Justice Quarterly. She has taught various courses though most often teaches research methods (undergraduate, masters, doctoral). She was recognized with the CPACS Alumni Outstanding Teaching Award in 2020.
Teaching Interests
Research Methods and Program Evaluation; Psychology & Criminal Justice
Research Interests
Women in policingMasculinity and Gendered Self-ConceptFuture OrientationMental Health and Policing
Awards and Honors
Alumni Teaching Award 2020, Teaching - 2020
Best Aticle of the Year - Feminist Criminology - Honorable Mention, Scholarship/Research - 2018
Ph D, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV, Social Psychology, 2007
Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity
Selected Publications
Clinkinbeard, Samantha, Starr, Solomon, Rief, Rachael. 2021. Why Did You Become a Police Officer? Entry-Related Motives and Concerns of Women and Men in Policing, Criminal Justice & Behavior, 48 , 6, 715-733.
Clinkinbeard, Samantha, Solomon, Starr , Rief, Rachael. 2020. Who Dreams of Badges? Gendered Self-Concept and Policing Career Aspirations, Feminist Criminology, 15, 5, 567-592.
Clinkinbeard, Samantha, Barnum, Timothy, Rhodes, Trisha. 2018. The other side of the coin: Exploring the effects of adolescent delinquency on young adult self-control, Journal of Criminal Justice, 56, 86-97.
Clinkinbeard, Samantha, Simi, Pete. 2019. Sleep and delinquency: An emerging area of research, Routledge.
Clinkinbeard, Samantha. 2014. What Lies Ahead: An Exploration of Future Orientation, Self-control, and Delinquency, Criminal Justice Review, 39, 1, 19-36.
Department, College, and University
University Assessment Committee, Committee Member, In addition to attending regular monthly meetings, I am responsible for providing feedback on departmental end-of-program assessment reports., 08/01/2016 - 08/31/2016
University Honors Committee, Committee Member, 08/01/2017 - 08/31/2017
Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honors Society, Faculty Advisor, 12/01/2015 - 12/31/2015
ACJS Assessment Committee, Committee Member, Served as the Co-Deputy Chair in 2020, 02/01/2018 - 02/28/2018
ASC Division of Women and Crime Newsletter Committee, Committee Member, 02/01/2018 - 02/28/2018
First Responders Healing Days Initiative, Other, 08/01/2018 - 08/31/2018
Additional Information
Ph.D., Social Psychology, University of Nevada, RenoResearch Interests
Genered Self-Concepts, Future Orientation and Motivation, Juvenile Delinquency and At-Risk Behaviors among Adolescents
Additional Information
Ph.D., Social Psychology, University of Nevada, RenoResearch Interests
Genered Self-Concepts, Future Orientation and Motivation, Juvenile Delinquency and At-Risk Behaviors among Adolescents