Academic Amnesty
The College of Public Affairs and Community Service (CPACS) academic amnesty policy allows students to rebuild their University of Nebraska system cumulative grade point average (GPA). All UNO colleges will accept the results of the academic amnesty. Review the following information and consult your academic advisor to learn more.
To be eligible for Academic Amnesty, students must:
- Have been out of the Nebraska system for at least one calendar year (12-month period).
- Have substandard coursework (“F” or “D” grades) earned within the University of Nebraska system (UNO, UNL, UNK, UNMC) before the year out (substandard grades earned after the year out will not be included in the Academic Amnesty contract).
- Be admitted as a degree-seeking student at UNO.
Amnesty Requirements:
- Academic Amnesty will begin with the first course(s) taken upon return to UNO.
- Students may apply for Academic Amnesty at any time after taking the one-year break.
- After returning from the one-year break, demonstrate academic success in new UNO coursework.
- Academic success may be demonstrated by one of the following:
- Completing at least 12 semester hours (simultaneous or sequential) with a minimum of 3.0 cumulative GPA,
- Completing at least 24 semester hours (simultaneous or sequential) with a minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA.
- Students must maintain continuous enrollment (at least six (6) semester hours completed within any 12-month period).
- Students will work with their academic advisor to select the coursework to be amnestied.
- Students must inform an academic advisor when the Academic Amnesty requirements are met.
- All amnestied coursework will remain on the student’s academic record (transcript); however, the courses will not be included in the calculation of the student’s grade point average. Courses will be annotated “Academic Amnesty Excluded from GPA” on the transcript.
- Once Academic Amnesty is granted, students will not be eligible for honors at graduation. Students are still eligible for Dean’s List and Chancellor’s List honors.
- While demonstrating academic success, no changes are made to the student’s academic record. If a student’s cumulative GPA is still below standard, the student will continue to be reported as “continued on probation.” Should the student revert to substandard academic performance while working on Academic Amnesty, the student can still be suspended. Academic Amnesty is intended to provide relief from the past without providing immunity from future substandard academic performance.
- Students must still meet all university and college requirements to graduate.