Experience for the Future
Internships in Emergency Management
Emergency Management and Disaster Science provide a structured internship program to allow students the opportunity to gain professional experience in the field of Emergency Management. The internship allows students to expand their knowledge base as well as to gain hands-on experiences that will reinforce the concepts taught in the program. Internships can be completed with nonprofit, public, and private sector employers within the field of Emergency Management.
The internship is 135 contact hours, which is approximately 8-10 hours per week during a regular semester. Internships can be completed during the Fall, Spring, or Summer, and typically occur in your senior year to make sure you have sufficient knowledge to bring to the table.
We have pre-established relationships with internship providers, however, you can also discuss any opportunities you find.
Contact information
Questions regarding the Emergency Management Internship program can be directed to:
Minsoo Goo, M.S.Ed. Academic & Career Advisor II
Email: mgoo@unomaha.edu
Careers in Emergency Management
There are many career paths available to graduates of UNO's Emergency Management and Disaster Science. Emergency Management has many facets and therefore career opportunities in the nonprofit, public, and private sectors.
Our program takes an all-hazards approach to Emergency Management and allows students to specialize in the areas in which they are most interested, by choosing two concentrations from the approved list.