Seeking Volunteers
Looking for healthy adults and caregivers to an older adult with a chronic disease (e.g., dementia, cancer, cardiovascular disease) to participate in a research study about the impact of aging on the neural and behavioral basis of social processing.
IRB # 675-19-EP
We are looking for healthy adults and caregivers to an older adult with a chronic disease (e.g., dementia, cancer, cardiovascular disease) to participate in a research study.
About the Study
Participating in this study will involve an online, at home component (~7 hours over 4 days), and one in person visit (~2 hours, 30 minutes) which will take place at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). Compensation for study participation is available and parking is complementary and located a short walk from the lab.
The experiment involves completing online questionnaires/interviews and computer tasks, taking samples of saliva for hormone analyses, a blood draw for DNA methylation analyses, and undergoing brain imaging using functional magnetic resonance imaging.
To be eligible for the study, you must be 19-90 years of age. In addition, to be eligible you should have comprehension of written and spoken English, mobility to travel to the UNO campus, and have completed a minimum of two years of high school or higher.
You are not eligible for the study if you:
- have a diagnosis of a neurological or psychiatric disease (e.g., stroke)
- history of drug abuse,
- vision, hearing, cognitive, or motor difficulties
- you are currently pregnant
- have metal implanted in your body
- taking an antidepressant medication
- glucocorticoid-based oral medication or cream (e.g., prednisone, cortisone)
- on hormone replacement therapy
Contact Information
Janelle Beadle, Ph.D. at the Aging Brain and Emotion Lab
Phone: 402.554.5961