Advocate, Connect, Support
PASA is a student-led initiative for students pursuing a graduate degree or professional certificate in the School of Public Administration (SPA).

PASA's goals are:
- To provide student voice in the governance of SPA and its programs.
- To serve as a liaison between students, faculty and administrators to advocate for students, support their academic success, and ensure the continued growth of the school.
- To create platforms for members to engage in networking and professional development opportunities for public administration.
- To expose students to the practical knowledge of today’s public service leaders through holding lecture series, panel discussions, and related events throughout the academic year.
- To recognize and celebrate the success and achievements of its members and Alumni.
Meet the team:
- President: Hameidah Alsafwani.
- Vice President: Franecia Moore.
- Executive Treasurer: Annabelle Abisset.
- Secretary: Stacey Coleman.
- Public Relations Officer: Amy Zeller.
- Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nuriel Heckler.