Get Engaged and Change the World
The School of Public Administration knows that the richness of the graduate student experience does not just occur in the classroom. Much of the learning and professional acculturation occurs outside the classroom with colleagues and peers. If you want to get the most from your time here as a SPA graduate student, consider joining a professional organization, getting involved with a student organization, or engaging the world in a way we've yet to imagine!
Professional Organizations
In an effort to make this list of professional organizations as useful as possible, the list of organizations is arranged based on topic and concentration area.
Public Administration (general)
- American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)
- American Association for Budget and Program Analysis (AABPA)
- American Public Works Association (APWA)
- Association of Government Accountants (AGA)
- Federal Managers Association (FMA)
- Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)
- International Personnel Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA)
- National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA)
- National Association of Counties (NACO)
- National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA)
- Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA)
- American Political Science Association (APSA)
- Air Traffic Control Association
- Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
- Airline Pilots Association, International
- American Association of Airport Executives
- National Business Aviation Association
- Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals
- Society of Aviation and Flight Educators
- Women in Aviation International
Emergency Management
- Center for Domestic Preparedness
- National Emergency Management Association
- International Association for Disaster Preparedness and Response (DERA)
- International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM)
Healthcare Administration
- American College of Healthcare Executives
- American Public Health Association (APHA)
- ASPA Section on Health and Human Services Administration
- National Association of County and City Health Officials
Local Government
Nonprofit Administration
- Alliance for Nonprofit Management
- Association of Fundraising Professionals-Nebraska Chapter (find other chapters)
- Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)
- International Society for Third Sector Research
- National Council of Nonprofit Associations
- Nonprofit Association of the Midlands (if not in the Omaha area, look up local associations)
- Society for International Development
- Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of Omaha (if not in the Omaha area, look up your local group)
Public Management & Policy
Urban Studies
- American Planning Association
- American Public Works Association
- Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations
- Community Development Society
- Congress for New Urbanism
- National Association of Regional Councils
- Urban Affairs Association
Student Organizations
Waldo Society
The purpose of this organization is to provide a forum in which doctoral students can discuss research ideas, exchange academic and professional skills, and collaborate. The Waldo Society strives to create a community for doctoral students in the School of Public Administration that helps meet both their social and their professional development needs.
Waldo Society Representative 2024-2025
Get Involved!
We always encourage our fellow doctoral students to get involved. Have an idea for a brown bag session? Want to assist with an upcoming event? Just want to chat about life with a fellow doctoral student? Please reach out to any of the Waldo Society Representatives!
A student-led initiative for students pursuing a graduate degree or professional certificate in the School of Public Administration (SPA).
PASA's goals are:
- To provide a student voice in the governance of SPA and its programs.
- To serve as a liaison between students, faculty, and administrators to advocate for students, support their academic success, and ensure the continued growth of the school.
- To create platforms for members to engage in networking and professional development opportunities for public administration.
- To expose students to the practical knowledge of today’s public service leaders through holding lecture series, panel discussions, and related events throughout the academic year.
- To recognize and celebrate the success and achievements of its members and Alumni.
Meet the team:
- Faculty Advisor: Please email for more information
UNO Student Organizations
Organizations on campus are created to suit the diverse interests of students that range from sports to academics to culture, self-expression, and beyond. They are a great way to get involved, make new connections, and share a common interest with your peers.
Pi Alpha Alpha
Pi Alpha Alpha is the National Honor Society for students in the fields Public Affairs and Administration. The purpose of Pi Alpha Alpha is to encourage and recognize outstanding scholarship and accomplishment in public affairs and administration. Its objectives – such as fostering integrity, professionalism, and effective performance – promote the advancement of quality in the education and practice of public affairs and administration.
The Pi Alpha Alpha distinction identifies those with the highest performance levels in public service educational programs.
MPA students eligible for membership in Pi Alpha Alpha must graduate in the top 20% of their class.
Contact Dr. Jim Harrold at, the UNO chapter Faculty Advisor, for additional information.
UNO ICMA Student Chapter
Founded in 1914, International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is the premier local government leadership and management organization. Its mission is to create excellence in local governance by advocating and developing the professional management of local governments worldwide. In addition to supporting its nearly 9,000 members, ICMA provides publications, data, information, technical assistance, and training and professional development to thousands of city, town, and county experts and other individuals throughout the world.
In November 2013, the University of Nebraska Omaha’s School of Public Administration completed a Student Chapter Agreement with ICMA to establish UNO ICMA Student Chapter. Dr. Craig Maher & Dr. Danbee Lee, SPA faculty members, serve as the Chapter Advisors. Phil Green, Assistant City Administrator (Blair, NE), serves as the Chapter Mentor.
The purpose of the UNO ICMA Student Chapter is to introduce and integrate students into local government and the management profession, and to familiarize students with ICMA members, resources, and policies. The chapter ensures that all student members abide by the ICMA Code of Ethics.
Undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to join the student chapter. Benefits of FREE membership in the UNO ICMA Student Chapter include:
- Access to local government professionals at different stages of their careers to share experiences and help you land your first job.
- Over 5,000 online articles, case studies, reports, and sample local government documents.
- Job ads in the biweekly ICMA Newsletter and at the ICMA JobCenter.
- Public Management magazine online.
- Networking with your colleagues through the Who’s Who online membership directory.
- Access to the members-only online discussion groups.
Get Involved!
We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity available to a few students throughout the country. If you are interested in joining this organization, please contact Chapter Advisor Craig Maher.