Nebraska Municipal Clerks' Association
Annual Membership Dues: Register by Sept. 30 for 2024 year
Please fill out this form, and mail to address on form. Due by Sept 30.
Nebraska Municipal Clerks Newsletters
The newsletter often contains late breaking information about activities and events during the upcoming Clerk Institute and Academy. These are posted on the League of Nebraska Municipalities website.
Among other features, the newsletter includes the Municipal Legal Calendar.
If you would like to receive the Clerks Newsletter or explore the Clerks Newsletter archive, please visit the Nebraska Municipal Clerks Newsletter Archive and Subscription website. For questions please contact the League staff at or call 402.476.2829.
NMCA Officers and Directors
The election of Officers and District Directors takes place at the general membership meeting held during the week of Clerk Institute and Academy in March. Confirmation of those elected takes place during the Annual Business Meeting held during the League of Nebraska Municipalities Annual Conference in September/October. Those elected take office October 1. The Executive Board meets during the Mid-winter Conference (February), Nebraska Municipal Clerk Institute and Academy (March), Finance Conference (June) and at the League Annual Conference (September/October).
Those wishing to run for NMCA Secretary or District Directors will need to complete the NMCA Biography and submit to the Nomination Committee.
A new Secretary is elected each year. Once elected Secretary, the person moves up the chain of command to Second Vice President, First Vice President, President and Past President.
New Directors for Districts 1 and 2 will be elected in even numbered years; and New Directors for Districts 3, 4, and 5 will be elected in odd numbered years. District Director is a two-year term. Look at the map of NMCA Districts to determine your district.
NMCA Executive Board & Directors (2023-24)
President | Elizabeth Butler, Omaha
First Vice President | Kellie Crowell, Ravenna
Second Vice President | Kimberly Hoesing, Omaha
Secretary/Treasurer | Darcy Gurule, Farnam
Past President |Linda Jensen, Central City
District Director 1 | Janine Schmidt, Morrill
District Director 2 | Jessie Faber, Grant
District Director 3 | Vacant
District Director 4 |Dana Klabenes, Neligh
District Director 5 | Tammy Tisdall, Gretna
Officers serve one year terms and District Directors serve two year terms.
Local Area Associations
Map of NMCA Local Area Associations
NMCA Local Area Associations and Officers (updated June 2020)
NMCA Committees
Education Committee (July through June)
Lanette Doane, CMC, Ansley
DeAnna Perry, Shelby
Dana Klabenes, Neligh
Tammy Tisdall, Gretna
Pam Buethe, CMC, La Vista
National 2022 Award Winner: The NE Municipal Clerks' Association!
The Nebraska Municipal Clerks Association received the Individual Association Award at the 2022 International Institute of Municipal Clerks Association. This award recognizes a state/provincial/national association which serves as an example of an association wiling to invest in clerk education. UNO's School of Public Administration congratulates these clerks for a job well done.
About NMCA
The Nebraska Municipal Clerks' Association (NMCA) is a section of the League of Nebraska Municipalities.
The objectives of the NMCA are to:
- Promote the interests of Municipal Clerks
- Promote professional administration of Municipal Clerks’ offices
- Promote improved standards of efficiency for Municipal Clerks
- Promote better municipal government through increased cooperation with other municipal officials
- Promote effective legislation on all levels for the professionalization of Municipal Clerks

NMCA Dues Form
Please note, when sending in registrations, the statement and payment should be sent to League of Nebraska Municipalities at the address listed on the form; not to UNO or the Clerk Institute.