Public Finance Journal
UNO SPA Faculty Co-Editor of New Public Finance Journal
Craig Maher, SPA Director, Announced as Co-Editor of the new Public Finance Journal from the Government Finance Officers AssociationAnd the journal now has an open call for submissions. |
UNO is on the forefront of public finance research, and we are putting our expertise to good use with the introduction of the new Public Finance Journal from GFOA (Government Finance Officers Association). SPA director Craig S Maher, Ph.D. is a co-editor.
According to Craig, “The journal offers the opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to the “pracademic” perspectives of public budgeting and finance. Having GFOA central to this this endeavor is critical to ensuring that scholarship published in PF will reflect academic rigor and real-world application. I could not be more proud to be affiliated with such an important journal.”
Public Finance Journal (PFJ) is a biannual journal publishing peer-reviewed research that examines and analyzes contemporary issues in budgeting and finance and explores the applicability of solution sets. The journal is published by the Government Finance Officers Association and serves as a forum for discussion on significant issues related to the advancement of our scientific understanding. Articles are chosen for publication based on their originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, and accessibility.
As a journal focused on connecting the science with the practice in public budgeting and finance, all manuscripts must connect the study with the needs and interests of both the scientific and practitioner communities in the field.
The mission of Public Finance Journal is to serve those engaged in public budgeting and finance through the publication of significant advances in the science of the discipline that conveys both theoretical importance and timely application.
The journal has four guiding principles. These are:
- Public Finance Journal is an open-access journal that is committed to the community of practice;
- All articles published adhere to the standards of peer review and the ethical standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics;
- We encourage posting open data and methods for all published articles to our Dataverse; and,
- Both replications and manuscripts with null results are important to the scientific process.
Public Finance Journal is edited by a team of experienced academic scholars and draws on an editorial board of academics and practitioners.
Why We Are Involved:
Public Administration and the study of all aspects of public management including public budgeting and finance, as both an academic endeavor and a trained public career, are products of the 21st century—as is GFOA. This relatively young field of academic study has a history of research being ex post facto (after the fact) so the government work is already well established, complete, or not geared to utilize the research that could enhance the work being implemented in the field. The goal of PFJ is to conduct research at the inflection point where the work is of the highest academic caliber, while also finding an audience that can actively use the research in the field of public finance and administration. This is the intersectionality that PFJ will be aiming to hit.
How to Submit:
Submissions can be accepted now going forward at:
Who Is Involved?
- Craig S. Maher, University of Nebraska Omaha
- Bruce D. McDonald III, NC State University
Book Review Editor
- Meagan M. Jordan, Old Dominion University Social Media Editor
- Sarah E. Larson, University of Central Florida
Editorial Board
- Evgenia Gorina, University of Texas at Dallas
- Kenneth Hunter, Town of Rocky Mount, NC
- Philip Joyce, University of Maryland
- Onyumbe E. Lukongo, Southern University and Agriculture & Mechanical College
- Christine Martell, University of Colorado Denver
- Charles E. Menifield, Rutgers University
- Michael Pagano, University of Illinois Chicago
- Kurt Thurmaier, Northern Illinois University
- Kyle Wedberg, Government Finance Officers Association
As we are looking for the promotion and invigoration of the intersectionality of academics and work in the field, we are looking for submissions from tenured, tenure earning, and non-tenured faculty along with practitioners doing the work of government. Submissions bringing together the work and knowledge of academics and practitioners as co-authors are encouraged. All manuscripts must connect the study with the needs and interests of both the scientific and practitioner communities for the field.
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