General Information
After 20 years of social work experience, Dr. Susan Reay made the leap into academia with a passion for supporting students and social work education. Since joining the UNO Maverick family, she has secured numerous grants totaling over one million dollars and trained thousands of mental health practitioners in clinical ethics. Susan’s research includes licensure, mental health regulation, lifespan career development, and leadership. Susan serves as an expert witness in many court and licensing board cases. As a first-generation college student, Susan is committed to empowering others through workforce development. Susan is an associate professor and the Grace Abbott School of Social Work director. She is a founding member of the Grace Abbott Training and Supervision Academy.
Awards and Honors
Lifetime Achievement Award, Leadership - 2018
Nebraska Eastern Region Social Worker of the Year, Leadership - 2012
BSW, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 1994
MSW, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 1998
EDD, College of Saint Mary, Omaha, NE, Higher Education Leadership, 2020
Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity
Selected Publications
Reay, Susan. 2024. Provision and Long-Term Assessment of a Specialized Clinical Evidence-Based Treatment Curriculum for Master of Social Work Students , Global Implementation Society.
Reay, Susan. 2023. Guiding the way to clinical licensure supervision: Creating a practical framework for the provision of clinical social work supervision, Clinical Social Work Journal, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10615-023-00879-x.
Reay, Susan, Reay, William, Tevis, Kristine , Patterson, Lisa. 2023. Do degrees matter? Rethinking workforce development for youth with developmental disabilities and mental health challenges, Global Implementation Society, 3, 1, 67-77.
Reay, Susan, Guyette, Sarah. 2023. Nebraska mental health supervision guidebook, Licensing Under Creative Commons, https://pressbooks.nebraska.edu/clinicalsupervisionguidebook/.
Reay, S, D'Souza, Henry, Tevis, K, Fleck, A. 2022. Start where the social worker is: Perceptions of clinical licensure in Nebraska, Research on Social Work Practice, 1-11.