Display Your Ads in CPACS
Three digital screens are located on the first and second floors of the CPACS Building. One of the first floor screens, plus the screen on the second floor, has space available to post information about CPACS or limited campus-wide events.
Ad Guidelines
Deadline: Ad must be received via an email attachment with a description of what group is sponsoring the event, the dates the ad should run, and any other relevant information to unocpacstech@unomaha.edu. Ads should be sent at least a week prior to them needing to be run; we make no guarantee that ads will be posted immediately upon receipt, if approved.
Approval: In order to be posted, ads must obtain approval. We reserve the right to refuse to post an ad. However, ads that are related to the following topics will most likely receive approval:
- a CPACS-related event.
- a UNO event that is academically related.
- a UNO event that is service oriented.
Format: Ad must be submitted in final form as either a PDF, JPG or PNG attachment. In order to be displayed properly, the ad size has to be 1920 W x 1080 H pixels, or something in relative scale. Resolution: 72 or 96 dots/pixels per inch (DPI/PPI). We reserve the right to modify or redesign your ad to get it to display properly on our digital boards.
Length: Ad can't be any longer than one page.
Removal: Ad will be removed after the deadline indicated within the ad. If no deadline is indicated within the ad, please indicate within the email when the ad is to be removed. Ads will run no longer than one month. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis.

Tips for enhancing the quality of Ads
To make your ad stand out, be sure to use one large, primary graphic or picture, use larger font for more important text, and use as little body copy as possible while still conveying information.