2019 Outstanding Faculty and Student Service Learning Awards Nominations
The Service Learning Academy is seeking nominations for the 2019 Outstanding Faculty and Student Service Learning Awards, due by Friday, Nov. 16, 2018.
- published: 2018/10/15
- contact: UNO Service Learning Academy - UNO Service Learning Academy
- phone: 402.554.4043
- email: unosla@unomaha.edu
- search keywords:
- Kirsten Case

The UNO Service Learning Academy is seeking nominations for the 2019 Outstanding Faculty and Student Service Learning Awards. Service Learning Awards recognize both faculty members and students for their extraordinary efforts in service learning programs.
Faculty Award
The Faculty
Student Award
The Student Service Learning Awards are presented to an undergraduate and graduate student enrolled in
The deadline for award submissions is Friday, November 16, and the awards will be presented during Honors Week in April 2019. For more information contact Kirsten Case at 402-554-4043 or kcase2@unomaha.edu.