UNO Organizations Can Now Apply for Collaborative Space in the CEC
The CEC is now accepting space applications from UNO faculty and staff on behalf of a UNO organization, college, department, program, or initiative. Applications are due by 5 P.M. on March 27.
- published: 2020/01/30
- contact: Sara Woods - UNO Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center
- email:

UNO-based organizations can now apply to work in collaborative office spaces in UNO’s Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC). UNO organizations that are housed in the CEC have enhanced collaborative opportunities with CEC community building partners and outside organizations that support engaged service, teaching and research. The CEC’s UNO building partners play an active role in the building’s culture and success by leading capacity-building opportunities, sharing knowledge and expertise, and helping to connect students to internships, capstones, and other community-based learning projects, etc. The campus/community partnerships that emerge from the CEC are long-lasting, productive, and mutually beneficial and can contribute to professional and organizational growth.
The CEC also provides UNO building partners enhanced access to its 20 meeting spaces, allowing for engaged activities (e.g., planning, collaborative meetings with community partners, service learning projects, volunteer activities, community dialogues, community trainings and workshops, etc.).
Spaces in the partnership suites are available to UNO-based organizations that meet the eligibility requirements and submit a successful proposal through the application process. Eligible applicants include faculty and staff on behalf of a UNO organization, college, department, program, or initiative.
Interested individuals/organizations should reach out to Heike Langdon, the CEC's Manager of Possibilities, at to schedule an initial consultation.
This initial consultation with Heike provides interested applicants with information about the application process and requirements, UNO building partner expectations, and the CEC’s mission, vision, and values. Applications for space are due on March 27, 2020.
More information is available at